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"I'm so glad you two could make it." Jimin said as Jungkook and Taehyung stood side by side smiling uncomfortably. "Come on in, grab a drink and find a girl."

Of course, Seulgi was next to him, hand around her waist as she looked lost.

Nothing had changed since she came back.

Jungkook followed Taehyung into the kitchen, watching as Taehyung took a red plastic cup and a bottle of vodka before pouring at least five shots worth into the cup.

"Wow okay, somebody's passive aggressive today~" Jungkook sang, taking the bottle and cup away from Taehyung and pouring the contents of the cup down the sink drain. "Let me make you a drink."

"Fine but don't drug me."

"I took a barista class at Starbucks once." He stated out of nowhere. "I just wanted to say that. Also, I'll only drug you once we've been friends for two weeks not one. Slow your roll buddy." He joked while taking bottles of random things and pouring them into two cups.

"You're going so fast you're probably going to pour rat poison in those by mistake." Taehyung replied while Jungkook used a straw to stir the drinks before handing him a cup.

"Better than sex." He smiled before clinking his cup with Taehyung's and taking a sip.

Taehyung cautiously took a sip before coughing. "That's strong- Wait. What?" He said, taking another swig. There was a sensation of hard alcohol before the wash over of a smooth strawberry flavour. It reminded Taehyung of a cupcake but it was better than that. He couldn't describe it.

"I told you~" Jungkook sang before the two made their way back into the living room. The music was blaring and people were already making out. "Is that Yoongi?"

Both Taehyung and Jungkook watched as Yoongi followed his girlfriend Wendy down the hall to the bedrooms. He spanked her before she giggled and pulled him into one of the rooms and shut the door. "Lovely." Taehyung said disturbed before he felt a hand on his arm.

He looked over and saw Seulgi, definitely drunk giving him a lustful look. "Sorry, she's drunk. Wrong man baby. You're Jimin is right here." Jimin replied, also sounding drunk as she giggled and moved toward him as they headed toward the hallway.

Seulgi turned back and winked at Taehyung before heading into another one of the rooms with Jimin. "Do you wanna get out of here?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung turned back at him and nodded before they made their way out of the house.

"Wanna go get food?"

• Time Skip •

"So then she was like "I didn't know you were gay!" And I just laughed." Jungkook finished his story as him and Taehyung sat in a small diner sharing some french fries together. 

"Do you want to share a milkshake? I'm kind of thirsty but a whole one is way too much fat for me." He asked, Taehyung nodded giggling at his friends food consciousness.

Jungkook waved a waitress over before ordering a chocolate milkshake with two straws making the waitress sigh.

"You two are such a cute couple~" she sang before hurrying off. Both boys looked at each other, Jungkook looked surprised while Taehyung's cheeks became a soft pinky shade. "On the house." The waitress said coming back with a huge chocolate milkshake with lots of whip cream and a cherry on top. Just like the movies.

"Thank you." Jungkook said with a smile before putting his straw in his mouth and taking a sip. "I love chocolate milkshakes."

Taehyung cautiously put a straw in his mouth, the blush becoming ten shades darker as he felt Jungkook's gaze on his as he sucked on the straw.

"It's.. good." Taehyung said softly with a smile.

"I thought you'd like it." Jungkook replied, a small pink blush covered his cheeks.

"Jeez, I'm a dork." Taehyung sighed embarrassedly into his hands before chuckling awkwardly.

Jungkook moved the boy's hands away from his face before smiling. "I don't think you're a dork. You're pretty cool to me."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Jungkook replied with a smug expression, "you know, I haven't met anybody who's intrigued me just as much as you have." His expression softened before chuckling breathily, "I can tell you're going to mess me up Taehyung."

"What does that mean?" He asked, Jungkook looked down.

"You'll find out soon enough."


Hey guysss

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