t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"You're a dumb bitch is what you are!"

"What? No."

"Yeah, there's a reason you tripped over a person."

"And? It was one mistake."

"You sprained your ankle! You're lucky Mr. Sung isn't here to kick your ass."

Taehyung was wrapping Namjoon's ankle before going into the cooler, pulling out an ice pack.

He was listening to Namjoon and Jin bicker like an old couple.

"Hey- ow!" Namjoon yelped as Taehyung placed the ice pack slightly hard over the injury in frustration.

"You're hurting him!" Jin exclaimed before yanking the pack from the boy's hands, re placing it gently on the sprain.

"S-Sorry.." Taehyung replied nervously before Jin rolled his eyes.

"You know, I'm sure they could use help changing garbage bags."

• Time Skip •

Taehyung watched Jungkook, Jimin, Shawn and Charlie laugh together while sitting next to the track.

"What sticks shoved up your ass?" Hoseok asked as he stood next to the medic. "Jealous your boy-toy's playing with someone else?"

"Jealous?" Taehyung asked, "I'm not jealous." He mumbled.

"Right," Hoseok said before grabbing Taehyung's wrist and dragging him off. "Spill the tea sis."

Taehyung sighed. "That guy, Charlie. I can tell he doesn't like me."

"He's cocky, he's also really gay so you have some competition sister." Hoseok replied. "I think you might be fine though."

"You think?"

Hoseok nodded.

"Hey Tae?" A familiar voice asked, making Taehyung turn with a smile.

"Hi! How are you! What can I-"

"Can I have my waterbottle..?" Jungkook asked slowly, Charlie next to him looking off with a smirk.

"Uh s-sure!" He stuttered before running off to his cooler, the two boys following behind.

He dug through the cooler before pulling out the squirt bottle that had the athletes name on it before standing.

He smiled, an idea had popped into his head.

He stuck his lips out, closing his eyes.

After a few moments and Jungkook's "Uh." He opened them. "What are you doing Tae..?"

"Give me a kiss." He whispered. He then moved the water bottle behind his back.

Jungkook suddenly moved closer, looking down at Taehyung.

"Can you maybe not be so forward? I love you but Charlie's kinda my idol and I don't want to embarrass myself.." he stated quietly. "Back at the hotel okay?"

He then took the waterbottle from Taehyung's hands before turning back to face his so called 'idol'. "I need to go get my hips readjusted, wanna come?" He asked they began to walk off.

"I can do it if you'd like." Taehyung replied softly before Charlie turned, walking back toward the boy.

He then shook his head.

"I have a specially trained kinesiologist. But you're cute." He cooed before pinching Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung returned the gesture with a pissed off expression, catching Charlie off guard.

"You know, being a dick to someone who's trying to be nice is a little harsh don't you think?" Taehyung asked sarcastically before he looked to Jungkook, then his face dropped.

Charlie's face turned sad as he turned to Jungkook. "I'm so sorry about him." The younger stated before glaring at Taehyung, making him retract back into his reserved nature.

Charlie sighed. "It's okay, some people just don't get me, you know?"

"Yeah, he's usually kinder to people so I'm so sorry he's being an asshole to you." Jungkook replied loudly, emphasizing his annunciation so Taehyung got the message.

He looked down, both frustrated and upset.

"It's alright, l-let's just go." Charlie stuttered before putting his arms out, he pulled Jungkook into an embrace before looking back at Taehyung and smiling.

Then the two walked off.

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