f o u r t e e n

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Taehyung felt Jungkook's hand moisten in his, he looked up to see Jungkook looking at a boy in the group next to them; the boy was looking back at him.

"Jungkook." Taehyung whispered softly, Jungkook looked back and Taehyung smiled reassuringly. "Do you anything?"

Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung led him down to their medic station and Jungkook took a seat on the exam table before sighing.

"How do you know him?" Taehyung asked while handing the boy a water bottle.


"Jeon Jungkook." Yugyeom said as he approached the two.

"Sorry this is a closed off area unless you're injured or apart of our team." Taehyung said politely.

"Give me a second to catch up with my boyfriend." He paused, "oh, and while you're at it you can get off your high horse." He smiled before nearing Jungkook. "I know you didn't mean what you said. You still love me baby."

Taehyung looked at the two in awe. "No." Jungkook said simply. "I meant what I said when I called you an attention seeking gold digger."

"What? No. And even if you did mean it, it's not true."

"Well I mean, you were telling people I got you pregnant." He said simply again, Yugyeom looked at him like he was an idiot.


"And, You're a man. Men can't get pregnant Yugyeom. You're an attention whore."

"I'm not!" He yelled before crossing his arms and pouting.

"You also don't know basic human anatomy."

"We're 17 give me a break!" He whined and stomped on the ground.

"You learn that in sixth grade." Jungkook replied. "We're in twelfth."

"You know what? I'll win you back baby. Any other man that tries to get with you will pay!" Yugyeom then turned on his heel and stormed back off to his school's group.

"Sorry." Jungkook said with a hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Crazy ex. He went mental after I broke up with him."

"Why'd you break up with him?"

"Because he was a gold digger and always tried to get me to go out with him on dates just so I would buy him things. He guilt tripped me into buying him a Gucci belt."

"What?" Taehyung asked shocked, "aren't those like 400 bucks?"

"Yeah. My parents weren't too happy when they saw my debit spending history." He replied before sighing. "So that was that. If he gives you a hard time today let me know okay? I know how he can get so just come find me."

"Boys 100m sprint in five minutes. Please make your way to the track if you are participating."

"That's me." Jungkook said getting up and making his way back to the track, Taehyung following.

Taehyung found his way to Ji Woo who was looking at the school rankings.

"To qualify, they all need to win first place in two events each." Ji Woo stated with a finger to her lips. Taehyung turned back to see the boys crouched down.



Then the pop from the gun was heard before the runners began, Jungkook easily passing all of them.

The five other boys ran up to him and high fived him before they went off for their own events.

• Time Skip •

Jungkook sat at the side, watching the boys run. Each of them had won their two events needed to qualify. He felt a presence next to him. He looked to see Yugyeom sitting next to him.

"Hey, sorry about earlier." He said softly while Jungkook looked back at the track. He then began to get up. "Where are you going?"

"To get water."

"Here have this one, I haven't opened it yet." Yugyeom said handing Jungkook the bottle. The boy sat down again before opening the bottle and taking a sip. Yugyeom smiled as he drank it.

Jungkook thought it tasted a little strange. "What did you do to this?"

"Nothing! I swear!"

"Hmm." Jungkook replied before shrugging it off and taking another sip.

"Boys 100m Relay in five minutes."

Jungkook stood up and made his way over to his starting point before taking another sip of the water.

He watched Jimin start off the relay before feeling a weird feeling throughout his body.

It slowly began to ache and tens in a pulsation.

Yoongi was running up to him so he shrugged it off, taking the baton and running. He could see the finish line as he was sprinting.


"Go Jungkook!" Taehyung cheered as he watched the boy take the baton and begin to sprint.

Everyone cheered as he crossed the line first before screaming in pain and falling to the ground. His body was seizing as he rolled on the track padding. Taehyung quickly ran up to him and crouched down.


"T-Taehyung.." Jungkook sputtered, he was crying. "I-It hurts."

Taehyung watched as the boys muscles were contracting and pulling themselves from within his body.

Yugyeom came over to watch the scene play out. Taehyung rolled Jungkook onto his stomach before beginning to rub his muscles; hard.

Jungkook continued to sob loudly as Ji Woo ran over. "What happened?"

"His muscles are seizing."

"Jungkook did you drink anything from another team?" Ji Woo asked, Jungkook nodded inaudibly before telling Ji Woo where the water was.

She ran to go get it before examining it. She made her way over to the judges before explaining the situation.

"Jackson Wang, Mark Tuan, Jae-Beom Lim and Jin-Young Park have been eliminated from this event."

Jungkook was still crying as Taehyung rubbed his back and his thighs. "We have to get you up. We can bring you to an ice bath to help with the pain."

Jungkook nodded as Ji Woo came back. "They said they have ice baths in the medicine clinic right outside." She stated before assessing the situation. "Jungkook this is going to hurt; bad."

Taehyung and Jiwoo readied themselves to pull Jungkook up. "1.. 2.. 3.. up." Ji Woo counted.

Jungkook screamed in pain as they lifted him up and rested his arms around their shoulders before helping him down the track slowly.

Everyone in the crowd began cheering before shouting "Jeon Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook!"

"It didn't work!" Yugyeom yelled as he stomped. His coach came over with the four relay runners before grabbing his arm and pulling him off somewhere.

"We're almost there." Taehyung reassured as Ji Woo opened the door and the two led him to one of the large tubs.

Jiwoo began filling it up with ice water as Taehyung slowly helped Jungkook into it; his eyes were red and puffy from crying and his face was covered in sweat.

"I've gotta get back out there, are you good here?" Ji Woo asked, Taehyung nodded before she left.

"A-Am I gonna die?"


I wrote so much omg

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