Chapter 3

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"You call that an attack?" Sera smiled as she dodged another one of Nora Valkyrie's hammer swings. It had been a week and a half since Sera received her new weapon and clothes, and she was only just now being able to use it in combat. Every one of her attempts to be in a sparring match against Grimm or her fellow students was either declined or given a "rain check". Every time she tried to volunteer to fight a Grimm in Professor Port's class, another student was faster to raise their hand. This irritated Sera to no end, but she was completely overjoyed when Nora challenged her to a duel.

Sera smirked as she prepared for Nora's next attack. The two were fighting in Professor Goodwitch's sparring room, with their entire class watching with wide eyes and large expectations.

The red head leapt towards her in a huge overhead swing. Sera quickly evaded the blow and swung her sword one-handed into Nora's side. Nora flew several feet to the left and landed on her feet with a broad smile on her lips.

"That was a good one!" Nora complimented as she readied her hammer. "You'll have to do a lot better than that, though!"

"Count on it!" Sera replied and hefted her mighty sword. She was a bit reluctant about the sword, but her above average strength allowed her to freely swing the weapon as if it weighed next to nothing.

Nora grinned and gripped her hammer tighter while Sera gripped her own weapon with both of her hands. The sword was as tall as she was, if not slightly shorter. It appeared massive, but Sera figured that the bigger it was, the harder it could swing.

The two girls ran towards each other and prepared to swing each of their weapons.

Nora smirked and raised her hammer while Sera prepared to swipe from her right. The two grew nearer and nearer, and with each step, the spectating students' breath hitched.

Sera decided she was close enough and swung her sword, its crimson blade gleaming. Nora brought her hammer down as hard as she could, hoping to hit Sera before she hit her. But Sera feinted! She redirected her sword's swing and dodged to the right, using her momentum to spin and bring the blade down on Nora's shoulder. Nora's eyes widened at the sudden pain, but thankfully her aura held out. The sheer weight of the sword caused the Valkyrie to slam onto the ground, faceplanting on the floor and creating a small crater from the force.

Sera landed on her feet and grinned, "I love this thing!" She twirled the claymore with one hand. "Now's a perfect time as any to test out that Dust function!"

Sera flipped the switch on her weapon's hilt, popping open a small slot just under the cross guard. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out the many different colored Dust shells.

"Eeny meeny miney... You!" Sera grinned and popped in a random vial of Dust. The blade of her weapon immediately began sparking with energy. As soon as Sera got into a fighting stance, Nora picked herself off of the ground with a determined glint in her eyes.

"Ready for more?" Sera asked, her voice cocky.

Nora eyed the sword in her hands and grinned. She said nothing, but instead jumped to her feet and rested her hammer on her shoulder, gesturing at Sera with one hand as if she were saying, "Well come at me."

In the seats beside the arena, Ruby's eyes widened.

"Does she not know about Nora's semblance?" She asked.

"Does she?" Yang asked, turning to her sister.

"Did we actually never tell her?" Weiss' eyes widened.

"Uh-oh..." Blake said, her eyes not leaving the stage.

Sera's eyes narrowed and she rushed Nora. The red head made no attempt to stop Sera or to defend herself. Instead, she just stood there with a smirk on her face.

RWBY: A Huntress's AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now