Chapter 4

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"I said I was sorry!" Sera sighed, exasperated, while she followed Yang down the halls of Beacon academy. It had been three whole days since the two teammates were playing Dust baseball in the courtyard, but the blonde was still stewing with anger. It had taken her four hours to brush out the mess that her precious golden locks had become! A few strands of hair would still occasionally spring up and infuriate the brawler all over again.

"'Sorry' doesn't fix my hair! Do you have any idea how long I've spent trying to fix it still?" Yang huffed as she marched to their next class, the rest of their team lagging behind as Sera chased after Yang.

"It looks fine to me!" Sera said hopefully.

"You don't get an opinion!" Yang shot back as she pushed open the door to Professor Port's class.

"Ugh!" Sera groaned melodramatically and followed her teammate.

"They've been like this for three days. When will it end?" Blake sighed as she, Weiss, and Ruby entered the large classroom.

"I dunno, but I hope it's soon." Ruby slumped her shoulders and adjusted her cloak over her uniform as she went to sit next to her sister and purple-eyed teammate.

"It better be. I know she cares deeply for her hair, but jeez!" Weiss huffed and sat with her arms crossed. Team JNPR turned to look back at the five girls that were seated directly behind them. "They still at it?" Jaune asked, a hint of humor on his voice.

"You know it. It's even worse today." Ruby groaned while Sera and Yang bantered to her immediate right.

Nora grinned and pounded her fist into her open palm, "Maybe I should knock some sense into them."

"Yeah, because that worked so well last week." Weiss rolled her eyes, remembering the recent battle between Sera and the hammer wielder. Nora groaned in response and faced the front of the room. Pyrrha chuckled at her teammate's attitude.

"She's still embarrassed by it." The bright red head said, a twinkle in her emerald eyes.

"Am not!" Nora huffed with a childlike demeanor.

"It's not my fault your precious friggin' hair was in the way of the blast!" Sera's voice cut in rather loudly.

"Oh yeah?" Yang glared at the white-head.

"Yeah!" Sera glared back.

"Oh yeah?!" Yang's glare intensified.

"YEAH!" Sera returned the glare in kind.

"AHEM!" Professor Port's voice caused their heads to turn to where the boisterous man stood by his desk. "Is there a problem, team RWBYS?"

"No problem, professor! Yang and Sera are going to start minding their manners right away! Aren't you?" Weiss glared at the two loud girls.

"Uhh, yeah. Definitely." Sera replied and sank into her seat slightly.

"I hope so, or else you two may have to collect yourselves in detention." Port said sternly.

"No need for that, Professor! I'll make sure they don't interrupt class anymore." Ruby volunteered, trying to keep her sister and friend from being punished for their antics.

"Very well, Miss Rose." Port nodded, apparently assured by Ruby's words. "NOW! Back to how my heroic deeds saved the town of Lavender from what the locals believed to be ghosts blah blah blah blah." Professor Port's voice quickly disinterested the five members of team RWBYS.

"Will you just forgive me now? I've apologized literally a thousand times." Sera whispered to the blonde beside her.

"Maybe if you actually meant it!" Yang replied in a hushed tone.

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