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It was monday morning and i couldn't sleep for shit because all i was thinking about was this bitch Kemani and where the fuck she was at. I called all the local hospitals to see if they would give me confirmation of her being in there or not and they all said the same damn thing. They didn't have any patient under that name. The way she looked i knew they would put her under a alias name. I just hoped her ass died on the way there. I never wanted somebody to be dead this bad. If she wasn't i hope she didn't mention my fucking name to nobody. At all. It was going on 7:30am and i was flipping through every news channel to see if anything was said about the situation. Nothing.
"Hey goodmorning." Zoe said walking out the bedroom.
"Goodmorning Ma."
"Since you're up so early can you drop Zion off while i go make a few errands?"
"Yeah get me dressed it's good."
"Ok". Me and Zion was walking out the door by 8:45. He didn't have to be to school until 9-9:30 at the latest so we was good in time. I put him in his car seat and buckled him in, got in and dipped out. I got to his school in 15 minutes. I guess i was so zoned out i didn't realize how fast i was driving. I parked right in front, got Zion out and walked him inside.
"Goodmorning Zion!" His teacher said soon as she seen him.
"Goodmorning." He looked excited to see her.
"Hey goodmorning." She said greeting me.
"Goodmorning, see you later little man!"
"Bye bye da da." I'm glad Zoe asked me to take him to school today because he definitely made my morning the way i was feeling. Getting back in the car i had a message from J saying he wanted to have a urgent meeting tomorrow at 10. The way i was feeling i wanted to say fuck him and his meeting but i couldn't let my feelings get in the way of the way i rocked hard for the team. I didn't have no plans so i slid by the hood to see if i could cop some juice before i went back to the crib. It was a few cats in front of the store i just knew they had something on em.
"Y'all got some juice?" One of the youngins wasted no time coming to the whip.
"I got some red online you can give me $65 a line big homie." I pulled $400 out my pocket and handed it to lil blood.
"Let me get a 6." He measured it with the extra bottle he had and passed it to me.
"Right in big homie." As fast as i came i left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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