376. If you snore, you can't dream. Certain studies indicate that if a person is sleeping and snores, he/she can't dream.
377. A person can even experience an orgasm in his/her dreams. You can actually experience the pleasures of having sex in your dreams, but also have an orgasm (sometimes as strong as the real one). The sensations which you feel while lucid dreaming can be as pleasurable and strong as you would in reality.
378. Appearance of vampires in dreams represent a person's general fears and anxieties. Or it can represent anxieties about that person's sexuality.
379. Men dream about men, more often than women dream about men. For some odd reasons this sexual asymmetry is almost universal and is similar with children, adolescents and adults.
380. Blind people can dream too.
People who've lost their eye-sight after birth can see some images while asleep. Now those who are blind since birth don't see any images, however, they experience vivid dreams that involve their sense of smell, touch, emotions and sound. All physical situations help make dreams, which in short provides blind people ability to dream.
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