576. Overly optimistic and cheerful people have a hard time facing reality. In many cases, they are in denial about realities that may make them sad, and choose not to face the facts.
577. Emotional abuse is a lot like brainwashing. This is consistently making someone feel bad about themselves with name-calling, belittling accomplishments, yelling, etc. When the recipient of this emotional abuse hears these words enough times, they begin to actually believe it, and it may lead to serious self-esteem issues and depression.
578. If have seen your friend or family member show a glimmer of disappointment before quickly smiling and saying they love the present you gave them, that person showed you a “micro-expression”. For a split second, people usually reveal their true feelings before calculating what an appropriate emotional response should be. Other examples of micro-expressions could be hand gestures or postures that reveal someone’s inner emotions.
579. Studies have shown that mothers are far less tolerant of their young boys crying, getting upset, complaining, and whining than they are for their girls. This comes from the concepts of gender norms. Without even realizing it, mothers have been proven to step in to ensure their sons do not express their emotions in that way, while the same mother may simply ignore that behavior with their daughters, because it’s “normal” for girls. In fact, it’s normal for all kids.
580. Women are more likely to actually express how they feel out loud, while men typically keep their emotions buried deep inside. In reality, both men and women feel the same level of emotions. They were just raised to express it differently in many cases.
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RandomPsychology, if it's your cup of tea, opens doors to a lot of interesting characteristics and traits that human beings encompass. Reading about it will not only give a meaningful perspective to how you see the world, but will also allow you to reach...