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"Seriously... what are we doing here, Camila?" I asked.

We actually here in an amusement park.. Not gonna to argue but i'm not really in a mood to go to somewhere crowded.

"To spend your last day... remember?" Camila simply said.

"I know.. but why here? Can't we just go to the cinema or somewhere else?"

"Nope" and then she started to walk away.

+ Time Skips +

"Hahahah its funny isnt it?" Camila asked while laughing.

We walked while intertwining our hands.

"Of course its fun when its not you as the victim" I said

I remember how Camila 'accidentally' spill her ketchup right at my thigh and me being a 'lucky' person unluckily chose to wear white pants today .

Suddenly Camila stop laughing.


Her eyes was glued to something at whatever thats behind me..

I slowly turned and tried to find whatever things that catch that smaller girl attention.

"Lauren? Lauren Jauregui?" I said shockingly.

"Hey Camz.. What're you doing here?" She said while grinning but slowly faded after saw our intertwined hands.

"Hey Laur...I should ask you the same question" Camila answered while slowly letting my hand go.

"I came with Taylor, now what're you doing here... I thought you preferred to be at home reading?" Lauren repeated her question after answered Camila's.

"Oh.. I'm just spending my time with Y/N.. Ooh.. Shit I forget... Lauren, this is Y/N and Y/N, this is Lauren Jauregui, my fellow band mates.

"Hi" Lauren started coldly.

"Hi to you too... Oh My gosh... I cant believe that finally I got a chance to finally meet you... I always being your fan! You're always looks good both on the screen and in person... Also, Your mind was really great that I feel like a totally dumb person and then that you always got a beautiful lines that made me questioned myself  that did you actually a singer or an expert author " I rambled.." It was my great pleasure to meeting you in person... "

"It's to meet" Lauren cuts.

"What?" I confusedly asked.

"Your sentence... It should be 'it was my great pleasure to meet you'" Lauren explained.

"Oh... well...nice to meet you too" I joked.

"Ahahahahah.... Y/N... you're so funny.. right Lauren? " Camila suddenly interrupt while laughing unconditionally.

"Yes" Lauren simply answered.

We just stand there waiting patiently for Camila to finish her laughing.

Both of us just stared at her until a girl approached to us.

"Lauren.. we're going to be late... Come on...." an unfamiliar girl popped out of nowhere while tugging Lauren's arm.

"Hi Taylor..." Camila interrupt.

"Hi Camila, Lauren...." Taylor whined.

"Fine...bye Camz.. bye Y/N" Lauren said while sighing.

"Bye!" we both answered.

To Be Continued

A/N - I don't know....

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