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Aaaanddd... yup.. it's her..

"Unnie, it's really her.. I met her in the airplane."

"Well.. you met three of us.." "Let's go meet the others!"


"Nothing..I just want to introduce you to them"

"Maybe next time.."

"You're shy aren't you?"

"Of course I am... It's not like you don't know me" I said... I had to say that I'm quite scared to meet new person. "

"But you met Sooyoung?!" Seungwan Unnie argued.

"That's because she's so pretty that I can't waste my only chance!"



Then I spent our whole meet convincing Seungwan Unnie that it's not true... Yeah... I failed.

"Okay..okay..whatever it is.. promise that you will come to our dorm one day.."

"What's so FANCY with you guys' dorm?"

"Well... theres Sooyoung" Seungwan Unnie whispered while smirking.

"Unnie!" I whined.

"Y/N - ah.. I'm already late..I have to go..We meet again later okay?" Seungwan Unnie suddenly changed the topic.

"Okay Unnie.. but promise not museum again okay?!"

Seungwan Unnie chuckled and shows thumbs up and waved me goodbye.


I was driving home while suddenly received a phone call.

Not looking to the caller ID, I picked it.


"Y/N - ah!!"

I had to pulls the phone away cause it's too loud.

I recheck the caller ID and found out it was Sana Unnie.

Smiled, I put my phone back to my ear.

"Ahh..Sana Unnie..How are you?"

"We're good..we just had our fanmee*blurhfjdks*

"What did you say Sana Unnie?"

"Eh? Ahh I said we just had our fan surveying"

"You surveyed for a fan?"


"Whatever..Y/N - ah!!..Do you want to have dinner with us?" Sana Unnie said.



"Well..I guess I'm free..when?"





"We'll pick you at 10"

Looking at my car's's 9 p.m so I have 1 hour to be prepared.


"Yes!..Annyeong Jagiya!" Sana Unnie said and ended the call before I could say anything.

"Jagi?" I put my phone and continue my driving with a big smile plastered on my face.

To Be Continued


Ho Ho..Annyeongggg~...Do you guys miss me? No? Okay..😌..Just Kidding😂...But I miss you guysss...So I present you an update..  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..Just a small reminder that I love you guys the readers so so so much cause you sacrifice your precious time on reading this whole mess... I'M NOT GOOD AT WRITING SO FORGIVE MY MESS OF WRITING.. THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK AT ALL.. BYE ONCES💕💕

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