Kaneki Ken x Reader

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Chapter 1 : The First Day Both of You met

You *Sighs* " Ugh ! It's my First Day in School Tomorrow !! "

You were the new student in your school. You just Transfer last week and Tomorrow is your First Day in School.

You: " Well.. I guess i need to sleep early now.. " *Yawns and Goes to sleep*

After you sleep you dreamed about that you will meet someone in your school and it's already Morning.

You: " *Wakes up* @ A @ I feel liked i don't wanna go to school today ! "

You go to your kitchen and cooked a food and Eat it as your Breakfast.

You: *Sighs* " I better go and finished my Breakfast "

You were in a hurry because you're almost late at school but you were in time when you got to school and you were getting nervous.

You: " This is it ! .. I hope i met someone who will talk to me " *Smiles a bit* "

The Teacher walks in and all of the students stood up and Greeted your Teacher.

Teacher: " Good Morning. You may sit now. "

All of you sit and and You were really getting Nervous.

Teacher: I'm Ms. Algaia and There will be a new Transfer student.

The Teacher called your name and you go to the front.

You: " I'm (y/n).. I'm the new Transfer student.. Hope we get along. *Smiles* "

Then someone greeted you a Good Morning and sit beside you.

Kaneki Ken: " Ohayou ~ I'm Kaneki ken just call me Kaneki.. *Smiles at you* "

You suddenly blushed when you look at him and he's the one who talked to you first.

Kaneki: " What's your name ? " He asked when he looked at you.

You: " I'm (y/n). Hope we get along *Giggles* "

Kaneki: " *Smiles* It's nice meeting you (y/n). "

After all of the students Introduce themselves the teacher stands up.

Teacher: " You may now take your break. "

You and Kaneki both stands and He looks at you.

Kaneki: " Umm.. Lets take our break and spend our time together ? " He asked you polite.

You: " *Stands up* Sure ! "

Both of you go to the canteen together. You both smile and talked to each other until the time was over.

Kaneki: " Well.. Bye (y/n) ! It was nice talking to you ! See you tomorrow.. "

You: *Smiles and waves my hand* It was nice talking to you too Kaneki ! Bye. "

You went in and closes the door and you smiles a lot.

You: *Chuckles* Kaneki is so nice !! ^_^ Meeting him was fun..

( *Giggles* Hope you like it !! )

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