Chapter 16

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I heard the tires turning on the gravel and the Jeep come to a stop.  We got out of bed and he carried my bags, out the front door. Lillian jumped out of the Jeep running towards me colliding with me wrapping her arms around my neck, I placed my hands on her back and held her in return. Alec placed my bags in the backseat, shut the door standing near the drivers side. We walked up to Alec and he walked me over to the passenger side as Lillian climbed into the drivers side. He held the door open for me but I didn't want to get in, I turned around and looked at him taking in that striking blue glow, I leaned in kissing him on the lips.

I climbed in the Jeep, trying not to cry. I would not cry in from of him and make it worse, so I held back. He shut the door, and pushing a stray hair behind my ear. Lillian started the Jeep and for the first time in our entire friendship I wish she wasn't here in this moment.

"You'll always know were to find your alpha." He flashed me his glowing blue werewolf eyes and I flashed him my emerald greens. He took a step away from the Jeep and watched us as we drove away. I watched in the rearview mirror until I couldn't see him anymore.  How could my heart ache for someone I only knew for a week. His words were true, we were no longer two people who randomly meet at a bar, everything changed that night in the tree line when he turned me into a beast of the night. We connected on a deeper level and when he brought out my wolf and I strengthened his alpha, it's only proved that we were meant to find each other. I'm grateful for this trip, for leading me to him.

"Are you okay Star?" I hadn't said a word since we started our way back home.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking that's all," I gave her a small smile that she would right away know was fake.

"Come on Star, you didn't want to leave Alec, I could see it in your eyes but don't be down this was a passing time for us and it wasn't going to last we have plans together remember. Graduation, moving in together and working together." She patted me on the knee and passed me the aux cord which I didn't accept. Since we become friends all these years ago I have always stuck by her side and let her buy me what she wanted even though I had been working and saving money to be able to call it my own.  For the first time, I didn't want to follow along.

"No, I didn't want to leave him and I'm not even sure I want to continue down the road we planned."

I was different now, things were different now.

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