Part 2

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I could only smile with tears in my eyes, with words stuck in my throat.

Following the falling maple leaves, with traces of pain in my voice, "Feng Yi, can we just stay here? Don't go anywhere?

In the previous years, when we built this little courtyard, we specially picked a quiet maple forest at a nice distance from the city. There were only a few families living in this maple forest, the imperial court probably wouldn't be able to find us.

Why don't we hide?

"Jing'er, you know me. I've never run away from anything before. Furthermore, our country is in a crisis!"

After pausing for a moment, he continued speaking, "Look at all those people drifting around without a home to return to. If our country falls in the future, and we're the only ones who still have a home, how can we proudly build up our family?"

I know him, and I understand his reasons.

He was never someone who would run away from his responsibilities, and he was always so kind. That's why I loved him so.

But I knew that if he left, he would be cast into great danger.

Thus, I lowered my head and remained silent; I didn't know what to say.

He told me a lot of things that day.

However, I only paid attention to his words when he asked me to wait for him.

He said, "Jing'er. Next year, when the maple leaves turn into a sea, I'll be back."

He said, "When the country is stable and the common people live in peace and happiness when everyone has a home, then we'll have ours. I'll come back for you."

I asked him if he was sure.

He said, "Yes, I'm sure."

So, I sent him out of the little courtyard, with envelopes, rations, and water, as well as a single maple leaf.

I said, "This maple leaf is really pretty. Why don't you leave it by your side to remember me by? When you miss me, then look at it."

I said, "I'm going to place this maple leaf in this envelope. Don't forget to send a letter to me as and when you have the time to."

I was extremely naive back then, I thought that preparing envelopes for him meant that we would never lose contact with each other.

I watched his back as he left, and I stood there until night fell.

"Jing'er, I'm leaving. Wait for me."

Those were the last words he left before he departed.

And his last action was to pinch my nose tenderly before turning to leave.

How Hurtful of the Maple LeavesWhere stories live. Discover now