Part 5

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"Jing'er, what are you doing sitting out here?"

Xin'er spoke up suddenly. Her face was radiant with happiness and joy. Just now, I saw with my own eyes that her husband had returned home.

I was really envious.

After thinking so, I smiled faintly, "I'm waiting for Feng Yi. I'm afraid that he won't be able to come back in if the door's locked."

When I finished speaking, my expression dimmed, leaking out a few traces of grief. As tears filled my eyes, I slowly shut them.

Sure enough, whatever will be, will be.

Only to hear her say, "Jing'er, are you having a fever? Feng Yi has already passed away on the battlefield. He's already sent back his last wishes, no matter how long you wait, he won't be coming back."

In that instant, tears fell like rain from my eyes.

As if all my hopes had been destroyed, as if I had awoken from a perfect dream, and following that, was harsh, cruel reality!

I gently stroked my rounded belly but smiled with tears in my eyes yet again.

"I was deluding myself."


I already knew.

Of course, I knew.

Why did you have to remind me?

Why did you have to burst my bubble of fantasy?

How could I not know?

That letter I received that day. I simply have to think about it, and the words pop into my mind like they were etched into my very core.

The first sentence was: We've won

But the next sentence was...

"Jing'er, I'm afraid that I won't be able to come back to see you... and our child."

The dam broke and tears flooded my cheeks once again.

Feng Yi, you once said...

That everyone would have a perfect home one day.

That became a reality.

Right now, the common people are living in peace.

Their families are happy and blissful.

But as for me...

I don't have a family anymore.


I'm still waiting for you to come home.

How hurtful of the maple leaves, how could you forget to come home?


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