Part 3

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With his departure, came the autumn winds and desolation.

In the end, Xin'er from next door found me and helped me back to my room. Her husband had also gone off to join the army. Like me, she was also depressed, like a resentful wife.

She would always try to console me, saying that our men going off to protect the country was something proud of, that I should let go of my worries.

She even said that they would definitely come back soon, and so on. I only nodded slightly, without any words to speak.

Actually, I really wasn't all that noble, nor was I all that kind. I was just a simple woman, I only wanted to live a peaceful and quiet life with my loved one.

Compared to the national crisis or other things, I only felt that if my loved ones remained safe together with me, I would be satisfied.

I was very selfish.

So, I hoped that he could also be more selfish.

But he still left.

About two months later, I received his first letter. The contents of the letter were cheerful and lighthearted, setting my mind at ease.

"Jing'er, I've already entered the army. Don't worry too much about me. The brothers who entered the army together with me are all very kind. We have not reached the frontlines yet, so we can't help feeling a little melancholy. I hope my dear wife can set down her worries. I'll be back."

I smiled a little, and the worry in my heart did lighten.

Like I had eaten some celestial pill, I felt light and airy. It was fine as long as he was safe and sound. As long as he was safe and sound.

I carefully kept the letter and returned to my room. My meals that day tasted exceptionally delicious. I ate a few bowls at once, feeling the food warm my heart and soul.

After that, when another two months had passed, I received another letter. As expected, he was also thinking of me constantly.

"Jing'er, the world outside is extremely wide. When the war ends, I'm definitely going to bring out here to see for yourself. We've already reached the frontlines now, and I'm afraid that danger lurks around every corner. I won't be able to send letters as often from now on. Don't worry, I'll be back."

This time, I clenched my fists tightly, and could no longer feel the same excitement as before.

My heart felt stifled, I could only hope that he would really remain safe.

I cooked a meal, but I couldn't bring myself to eat much. At least I managed to eat something.

He's definitely coming back.

That was all I could tell myself.

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