Chapter Five

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“Crap I’m sorry.” I clutched my chest as the light flickered on. “I didn’t meet to scare you.” I blinked and looked at the hot guy standing by the light switch. He stood in his Marine uniform holding a pair of short in his hands. He bit his lip. “Are you okay?” He asked pulling a face as I tried to control my heartbeat. “Let me get you a cup of water.”  I took a deep breath as he jogged out of the room. I don’t know why I’m acting like this. I never really sleep through the night, ever. I was always woken up by my Mother to either do something for her or to take a beating.  “Here drink this. I’m sorry. I was just grabbing something to change into and banged my foot.” He gave me a glass of ice water. I took a big gulp.

“I’m sorry, I freaked out.” He smiled at me showing me his white teeth.

“I’m Finnley, but everyone calls me Finn and you are…” He held out his hand.

“Anastasia, but everyone calls me Ana.” I took his hand only for him to gently turn my wrists to show the dark bruises on them.

“What happened here?” He asked moving on the bed to get a better look.

“Uh, nothing.” I pulled them out of his lose grip shoving them under the blanket. “I thought you were still deployed…I would have stayed in the living room if I knew you were coming back.” He shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it. We just finished early and I came home. Mom warning me that you were sleeping in here. I didn’t mean to wake you up. You seemed peaceful. I really need to get rid of that stool.” I giggled at him. He leaned down to rub him leg. “That hurt.” I took another long gulp of my water.

“Sorry, your bed is really comfortable.” I smiled biting my lip. He winked.

“I enjoy it too. It’s why I picked it.” I smiled at him pulling the comforter closer to myself.

“You made one mighty fine choice, Sir.” I looked down at my hands almost watching as the darkness on my wrists got worse. I take another gulp of water sighing as my eyes started to burn from exhaustion.

“I’ll let you go back to sleep.” He said patting my knee. I lay back on the pillows and snuggled back in. “Good night, Ana.” He smiled closing the door.

“Night Finn.” I said falling asleep back asleep into a dream of these bright green eyes…..

“Wake up!” I groaned pulling the pillow over my head. “I need to talk to you.” AJ said shaking me pulling at the comforter. “Please!”

“What?” I groaned rubbing my eyes.

“I’m scared.” She sighed sitting down. I sat up.

“Of what?” I ran a hand through my hair. “What’d I miss?” I blinked at her.

“Well Tyler was talking to me last night. He was telling me all about this girl he liked and he was asking advice on how he should ask her out. He loves someone else.” My face dropped as I watched the tears formed in her eyes.  “He doesn’t love me.” She cried. I pulled her into my arms. “I love him and he doesn’t love me!”

“Oh, Sweetheart.” I rubbed her back as she cried hugging me.

“He doesn’t love me.” I rocked her back and forth.

“Shhh it’s going to be okay.” She pulled back and wiped her eyes.

“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” She sniffed looking at me wiping her eyes. I pulled her back to me patting the back of her head soothingly.

“No, I don’t think you’re crazy for that reason.” She pulled back and laughed at me her eyes still red from crying. We looked over at the door as it knocked.

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