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Amy's POV

"Oh, hold on girls I really wanted to go to the student store! I hear they have Pocky's! My favorite!" I yelled realizing that I was hungry

"Oh, alright but we better hurry! I really wanted to check out the rest of the school," said Rouge, putting her hand on her waste

"Alright let's go!"

"Wait! Do you even know where it is?" Yelled Blaze

"Uhhhhh. . ."

Sonic's POV

Silver bought 5 chunky bars and was already eating his third one

Shadow who was robbed was just staring at him with a disgusted look

I was still looking for Tails but my search was gonna take a break

My stomach started to growl painfully, I was hungry

"Great! Now I'm hungry!" I yelled

"Yeah. . .the hunger is getting to me too. I would by myself something but somebody had to steal all my money for stupid CHUNKY BARS!" Shadow yelled

Silver was just standing there hoping Shadow wouldn't tackle him

"I, uh, hear that there's a student store over here," Silver said still very nervous,"Maybe we can go their?"

"Wait what's the difference between the bar station and the student store?" Ask Shadow

Me and Silver just shrugged as an answer

"Well I have only 5 dollars so. . ."

I saw the student store and it looked. . . like the other one

Seriously, what's the difference here?!

"Well it's no a chilly dog station but at least it actually has something's that are good!"

Their wasn't a big line but I still couldn't pick what too get

Hmmm I guess I'll just get that. . .

When it was my turn I said:

"One Pocky please!"
                                       > In sink
"One Pocky please!"

"Sorry, theirs only one left! You guys are gonna have to decide who gets the last Pocky."

Amy's POV

Great! Just great! My childhood crush wants my favorite treat!

I looked at him slightly and noticed that he got taller

Well, if he wants it he is gonna have to get past me!

I took the pocky right out of man's hands, put on my hood, and planned to run to at least get a head start

That didn't work at all cause the next thing I know I was pulled to his chest

"Amy?" I heard him say with a soft, gentle said voice

My hoodie fell and revealed my pink, sort, messy quills

He was soon just staring at me but didn't let go of wrist at all

Actually, I was now just staring at him and his big, emerald, colored-

Wait! What am I doing?! My pocky's--I mean friends, are waiting for me!

I snapped out of it and tried to get out of his grip

He also got out of his enchantment and soon began to struggle

He pulled my wrist and I fell even closer than I'd like to

We were inches away from our lips crashing into each other

"Um. . . I fell very uncomfortable so can you guys take this awkward moment somewhere else? Yeah? Ok! Thanks!" The man with braces said

Does that remind you guys of someone😁🤔

Me and Sonic looked at each other and then at the man that looks like he would our age

"Great see later or whatever! Were closed!" he yelled then shut the door

The bell rang and Sonic finally decided to let go of my wrist

I saw him walk away without saying anything else than:

"You can have them!"

I noticed that we had some audience watching us

Silver and Shadow just looked at me then at Sonic then they repeated this process at least 5 times

Each time getting faster! I was surprised that they didn't get dizzy, especially Silver

They both ran to Sonic with top speed

So glad the girls didn't see this! They would have freaked out! They would have gone crazy! Like madly crazy!

I closed my eyes, sighed in relief, and walked the opposite way the boys went

When I opened my eyes. . .

Can you guess what I saw?

"Amy!!" They all yelled

"Hun I knew you were a bit of a rebel but that was shocking!" Rouge she said while fanning herself (with her hand)

"Yeah Amy! You two looked like you were a bit more than friends!" Blaze stated

"So like close friends," I said with a smile, kinda playing around with them

Blaze then gave me a glare

"Yeah! Ahuh! Go ahead! Act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" She said kinda mad and annoyed

"Oh relax Blaze! No one saw us. . . besides you guys, Shadow, and Silver of course," I said

They kept on looking at me as if I were a dummy with their eyes only half open

"Oh darling! You have so not gotten the message yet, have you?" Rouge said still sounding a little disappointed but still sounding annoyed

"You two looked so much like a couple, is what I was trying to say!" She yelled

"Oh come on Rouge! Its not a big deal! Anyway, we better get to class before they mark us late or worse," I said

They looked me funny once more before following me to our next class

I looked at the Pocky box and smiled

I opened the box to have a little treat before class

When I took a peek inside the box their wasn't anything in their besides the one that was broken in half

Did he. . .? How?

I sighed in annoyance but took the broken treat and placed it my mouth

I'll make him pay later...




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To be continued~

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