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first of all, I'd like to thank whoever has continued reading this since i have over 100 reads!might not seem big,but it's an accomplishment for me :)


I woke up six am, took about seven minutes to get myself out of bed. I put my slippers and walk towards the bedroom door, careful not to make any noise. I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of earl gray tea. I had one piece of toast while drinking tea and reading The Quibbler. It's a much more reliable source of news than The Daily Prophet. One time they said that I'm a werewolf.

Once I finishead to the bathroom, where I meet my sleepy husband."Morning sunshine" he says. I chuckle."Good morning" I respond. Once
I'm in the bathroom I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and the get dressed.

"Honey, I'm heading out now!" I yell as I grab my briefcase and coat. "Don't forget to eat the some of the sausage sausage I left for you! You can't be going to work only eating toast and tea!" I roll my eyes. "Ok, I will!" I holler back while opening the door. I go down the little stairs on our front doorstep and unlock my car.

Today will be exhausting.

sorry for the short chapter! I intended this story to be a one shot but it was grown to a series and I'm not sure I have the motivation to keep it up.

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