Chapter Four

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Sal stares at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to claim him. Maybe, just maybe, tonight he won’t have the same nightmare. He also wonders if Tiffany is around, or anyone else. As an answer to his thoughts, his nose starts bleeding. Sal takes off his mask and wipes the blood off from the inside. Pain flashes through his skull like Tiffany, but worse. Sal pushes his hands against his temples, trying to abate the pain. It doesn’t work, but it does make someone else appear. A man, probably in his late thirties, stands in front of Sal. His eyes are a bright white and there’s burnt marks all over his wrist and up to his neck. “Who are you? And- agh… why do you hurt so damn much?” The ghost doesn’t speak, he just stares at Sal. It makes him uncomfortable and his head explode in pain. Sal covers his yelp with a quiet groan instead. Why is there a ghost? Are the meds not working? What’s happening?Sal panics and groans again in pain.

A groaning awakes Larry. He jumps up and runs to the bars guarding the little windows. He tries to follow where the noise is coming from. Another groan echoes; it kinda sounds like it’s from Sal’s room. “Sal?” Larry whisper-yells out of the bars. He gets no answer.

“Who… wh- agh!” Another groan escapes out of the mask. Sal slams his head against the wall, causing the pain to grow. “Elijah.”

“Wh-?” Sal can barely speak. It hurts to even open his mouth. The ghost holds his hand up, “I am Elijah James. This is my room.”


“It is the year 1899-“

“No…” is all that can come out of Sal.

“What do you mean, no?”           

This time tears squeeze out of Sal’s eyes. The ghost gets closer and reaches a hand out to Sal. Electricity flies out with it. With his free hand, Elijah grabs onto Sal’s mask at the chin. “What are you?” The ghost questions. “What… do… agh… mean?” How in the hell could Sal get rid of this ghost? The pain is only growing. “I mean your sex. You aren’t one of those fags are you?” This question nearly kills Sal. Who is the man? And why does he care what my sexual orientation is? Maybe Tiffany could find files on this weirdo. Elijah’s white eyes squeeze shut in anger. Sal pushes as far up against the wall as humanly possible. “No…” Sal grunts.

Across the hallway Larry stands against his door. Worrying for his new friend. A friend that he feels as if they have known each other forever. “Sal?” Larry tries once again, but a little louder. A yell from his room gives Larry the answer. He might be having a nightmare, or someone is attacking him. It can be anything really. “Sal?!” Larry yells this time. Other people in the hallway tell Larry to shut up, or they merely groan.

Larry’s voice makes Elijah disappear like Tiffany did; that meat slushing noise. Sal hops off his bed and rubs the blood off his face. He slides his mask on fully and walks to the little slit in the door. Sal’s eyes just make it above the bottom of the slit. Larry’s eyes and nose are able to be seen.

“Holy shit, are you alright Sal? I heard groaning and stuff from your room.”

“Yeah- Well I guess I’m not fine. You saved my life though.” This statement causes Larry’s face to heat up. He helped someone! I am not worthless!


“Yes! You did Larry. Thank you. I’ll explain this stuff to you tomorrow. Alright?”

“Alright, good night once again Sally Face.”

“Night!” Sal strolled away from his door and to his bed. Sudden exhaustion has crawled over him. He lay down and plays with his pigtails until his eyelids quit fighting and shut.

A soft ringing wakes everyone in the hospital. It’s time for breakfast and medications. The doors open and all the patients stand outside of their rooms. Of course Sal and Larry make eye contact and immediately smile at each other. They brew up a conversation while waiting for the tray of medicine. “You slept in your pigtails?” Larry tilts his head up, gesturing toward Sal’s head. Sal runs his hand down one of the pigtails, “Yeah. I guess I did. You slept in your bun.” Sal admires the sleepy hairs sticking to Larry’s ears and the sides of his head. It looks… cute? Sal sucks in and thanks God for the mask he has to wear. Was Larry really impacting him in this way? Maybe that Elijah guy is right… “Wanna eat breakfast together?” Larry asks. Sal smiles under his mask, “Sure!” Both men take their meds at the same time. Speaking of medicine and such, Sal thinks about why Larry was admitted. He seems fine, and acts like anyone else. Then again we are in an asylum; it’s probably something mental. I might ask him later if I have the guts.

The men walk with the other group of men to the cafeteria area. “Hey, I’ve got a few friends for you to meet. I think you’ll love them and vice versa.”

“Really?” Panic settles in Sal’s chest. He tries hiding it, but he has the sudden urge to turn and run back to his room. “Hey, calm down. I can hear your breathing under your mask. You alright?”

“I’m just bad with new people.”

“But you and I clicked instantly.”

“There might be a reason to that…” Sal’s mouth moves on its own. “Um, let’s go get breakfast,” Sal picks up a speed walk toward the food line. Larry stands behind him, he’s almost towering over Sal. “What’d you mean back there?” Larry questions as he grabs a milk and tray. Sal sighs as he slides the tray against the metal. “I don’t know what I meant. It slipped out of my mouth. I guess I just… I’m just happy to finally have a friend that doesn’t blame me for everything, or that looks at me weird and just drops me like nothing.” Larry looks at his blue-haired friend. He shoulders slump, this gives Larry a hint that he may be crying. The mask stares forward, not moving, not wanting to move. “I’m sorry.” Sal finally says and moves along in the line. Larry continues looking at his small friend. He needs to talk to him and learn things about him so he can help. Larry wants to be there for him.

Sal follows Larry to a table in the corner of the room. It sits beside the window. Two people sit closest to the window already. “Who are they?” Sal looks up at Larry as they walk shoulder to shoulder to the table. “The woman is Ashley, and the man is Todd.” Sal wants to grab onto Larry and turn the other way, but these are his friends.

“Hey!” The girl supposedly named Ashley smiles and waves. Todd nods his head, “Who’s this Larry?” Larry places his tray down across from Ashley and gestures a hand at Sal. “This is Sal. He’s new in here. He’s real nice.” Todd nearly jumps out of his seat, “That’s the guy who killed a nurse with his bare hands!” Larry slams his hands on the table, “Keep your damn mouth shut!” Sal turns to his tall friend. Larry’s sticking up for me? I mean we’re friends, but I… I technically killed that poor nurse. “Maybe he has a reason,” Ashley speaks up, quieting both boys. “Sit Sal,” she demands. Larry sits as well. Ashley leans in, “We’ll go around the table telling the tale of how we got admitted. Alright?” The other boys nod.

“I’ll go first…” Ashley volunteers. “You all might want to grab more food and drinks. This story itself might take a while.” 

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