California Love- The Aftermath pt10

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Post 10
California Love-The Aftermath

Shipp: I'm ready to take it to the next level with you, Dyna. I've already learned that time waits for no man. So if you're ready for a relationship +kids, I'm ready to be your man.

Dyna: Takes a deep breath. You sure you're ready? I don't want to be the rebound chick. I also want you to know that I need TOTAL HONESTY.

Shipp: Yes, I'm ready, Sandyna.Please just be patient with me, but I will love you with all of me if you give me the chance.
Dyna: I will. Just promise that you, will do the same.

Shipp: I also wanted to address something. You saved my child's life you'll always be in good with me. Thank you is the least I could say. I could never repay you. His voice cracks.

Dyna: rests her hands on his neck shhhhh! Anyone would've done it.

Shipp takes a deep breath it didn't see it.

Dyna says I'm glad I did. Come on let's get some sleep.

Shipp slides in the bed next to her. Thank you he mouthed to the back of her head.

In the morning, he got up early and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge for for her along with her meds. Then he went upstairs and kissed all of his babies.

Grammy was preparing breakfast for everyone.

Shipp took a shower and came back down to check on Dyna.

Shipp woman, what are you doing in this kitchen!

Mrs. Shipp I couldn't stop her.

Dyna was scrambling eggs and making bacon.

Shipp shakes his head. He wasn't going to even try and sit her down. He heads back upstairs and get the little ones dressed.

Dream and Maia are staring at Shipp.

Shipp: what?

Dream and Maia daddy is Ms. Dyna going home today?

Shipp so you want her too?

They both shook their head no.

Shipp: maybe you want to tell her that at breakfast.

Dream Yes!

Breakfast is full of giggles and conversation and love.

Dyna soaks it in.

Her life at home was much more fast paced and full of appointments and fun. All the things she stuffed into the void of her heart to numb her of the longing for family. She was low key jealous he had so many hearts that beat for him. Great friends and family.

Shipp grabs her hand under the table squeezing it playfully, lost in thought.

Dyna clears her throat, yes I was, sorry.

Shipp rubs her hand. Maia and Dream wanted to ask you something.

Maia and Dream day in their tiny voices are you staying Ms. Dyna

Please Monet says

Dyna says if daddy says it's okay.

Shipp her the word daddy and shivers went down his spine. Damn, she was affecting him already.

It was Dyna's turn to squeeze his hand.

Shipp of course Ms Dyna can stay as long as she wants....


An hour later they get ready to leave the doctors office after her follow up.

The doctor changed her bandages and showed Shipp how to clean area and change the bandages.

He told her he would see her one more time before he would clear her to travel.... at least another 3 weeks.

Dyna sighs... she loves spending time with Shipp and the kids, but her business was in NYC. She got in her own head....

Shipp: navigates traffic and looks over. Dyna is off in her own world...

Shipp: missing you love!

Dyna says hmmm what you say?

Shipp says I'm missing you already.

Dyna what you mean?

He says you're already mentally back in NYC

Dyna says sorry, I had only planned to be here a month....she shifts a little in her seat and looks over at him...I hadn't planned on falling in love....

Shipp goes through the green light and pulls over at the curb putting it in park.

Dyna straightens slowly...

Shipp says what did you say?

Dyna I'm not trying to scare you off, but it's what I've felt over the last 21 days....I've been crushing on you to the point where....

Shipp leans over and kisses her on her lips. Keep crushing on cause the feeling is mutual....

In total Dyna was in California for 2 months flat healing and bonding with Shipp and the babies....

He had an audition so he couldn't take her to the airport.

Dyna was kinda glad because the goodbyes with the babies were hard enough. They cried and hugged and she did the same.

Shipp planned a sunset picnic for the two of them at a private residence overlooking the city.

A private chef catered and they enjoyed a nice meal and dancing....

She replayed all of that in her mind on the plane ride home.

She opened the door to her condo and locked it behind her.

She hit the light and was greeted by 3 dozen roses...

Missing you like crazy-

Thank you for your time!

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