Going to a gathering

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Scourge woke up from sleeping, and looked at Ash Fur, yesterday was crazy, Ash Fur woke up not long after, "Wait, do you know what tonight is?" Ash Fur looked at Scourge, "No? What is tonight?" Scourge asked, "Tonight's the full moon, I kinda wanna try to go to the gathering. I can't remember when the last gathering I went to was." Ash Fur stretched, "We can try to go all four clans show up right?" Scourge heard about what gatherings were cause Ash Fur spoke of them but he had never been to one himself, let alone with Ash Fur, "Yes." Ash Fur answered, "Then it wont be hard to find a place to hide where we can still hear what were saying." Scourge said, "I'm gonna go hunting, maybe we wont be having hawk tonight like always." Ash Fur joked, "Yeah we have to many hawks I don't even know how we don't have wings right now." Scourge kept the joke going, "Ha, yeah." Ash Fur laughed and went out hunting and ran into Leaf Pool, who was getting herbs, since she was a medicine cat, "Hey Leaf Pool." Ash Fur greeted, "Hi Ash Fur." Leaf Pool greeted back, "Are you planning on going to the gathering, you and Scourge?" Leaf Pool asked like she heard what Scourge and Ash Fur where just talking about, "Yeah." Ash Fur said catching a rat, "Great.... By the way Tall Star is dead.." Leaf Pool Said, "What!" Ash Fur was shocked, he was alive for so long, "Scourge won't be happy." Ash Fur looked down, from what Ash Fur thought Tall Star was really nice to Scourge, "Yeah." Leaf Pool was looking like she did not like it also, "I should get going." Ash Fur went back to the tree waving his goodbyes to Leaf Pool with his tail, "Hey Scourge..." Ash Fur dropped the mouse at Scourges paws, "T-Tall S-Star is um, hes dead." Ash Fur did not want to never tell Scourge that Tall Star was dead so he thought he might as well got it over with, "What how!" Scourge looked up at A sh Fur, "I don't know Leaf Pool just said he was dead, but you can always see Jake at the gathering." Ash Fur pointed out. Then they ate, then they went to the gathering,"Here we are I guess." Ash Fur picked a place to sit that was out off the trees, "I think i'm going to go see if I can go find my father." Scourge asked kissing Ash Fur on the cheek, "Fine." Ash Fur let him, decides, Jake is Ash Furs family also, Scourge finally found him in the crowd, "Hey." Scourge said sitting next to him, "Hi... Scourge." Jake said, "You can call me Tiny I don't mind it as much as I used to." Scourge just wanted to comfort his father, "OK." Jake said, after the leaders spoke, Scourge went home with Ash Fur, then they went to sleep.

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