Robby's Fight with Pumpkin Head

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It's me again with my buddy as always

Gosh I miss home

"Bud, how's our house?" Mousse ask

"I don't know, but I see from the cctv, it's very dirty" I said

"We have to go home, ASAP" He said

"Oui, si on rester ici, notre maison deviendra sale" I said

"Buddy I forgot all of the French lesson you teach me" He said

"We will learn more when we arrive home" I say

"Yay thanks buddy" he say and kiss me in the cheek

I blushing and hehe...

That's Mousse, The scary looking guy but sweet and tender, And my best buddy ever

"I heard what you say, you're my best buddy also" he say

Oops, I think I say it too loud

And yes, he have a sharp ear

I went to the beach, my new favorite things to do while trapped at this island, now I take back what I've said

Trapped at this island isn't so bad, I can visit Freezeria like everyday, and ride on a boat.

J'aime cette île tellement !

"Oh, so you think killing a person is that easy?!" A man said behind the bushes

Huh? Did someone have a plan to kill a person? And did I just hear it? Or is it just a feeling?

"You just need to put POISON at his drink! That is EASY!" Person 2 said

I'm going to check what's behind the bushes, when I saw it...

It's Robby and Pumpkin Head Person

"Put a poison and you said it was an easy thing?! Where's your brain?! Mousse have a friend that have a sharp eyes! It's so hard to sneak!" Robby said

So they have a plan to kill Mousse!

J'ai à decouvre plus de plan

"Now I have another plan" Pumpkin said

"What is it?" Robby ask

"Slash his throat" Pumpkin said

What?! qu'est-ce que je viens d'entendre ?!

"What?! This is much worst! If I have to do that in front of his friends, I resist!" He said

"Okay! Don't you dare walk to me again! I hate you!!" Pumpkin said and walk away

"W-wait! I didn't mean to say that!" Robby said and chase Pumpkin

"I told you, DON'T COME CLOSE!" Pumpkin said and push Robby away

"Ouch!" Robby hurts

That's what you both got after trying to kill my best friend, you both should think twice before killing someone, especially when that "someone" is having some sidekicks.

"Ugh! Now that pumpkin idiot is gone, I dont have any friends!" Robby said and walk toward me

Oh no! I gotta run away!

I run as far as I could, lucky that he don't see me when I'm running

I head back to the resort and tell everything I heard to both of my Besties, and of course they all shocked

"They want to kill me? Where did you heard that?!" Mousse ask

"At beach and behind the spiky bushes" I said

"And?" He ask

"Robby resist and ends them on hating each other" I said

"Well, it's what they got for trying to kill someone" Akari said

"Yes, Robby almost see me and I run as far as I could" I said

"They are going too far" Mousse said

"I'm agree, let's think what should we do to them" i said

"I think we should.."

To be Continued.

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