Robby's Another Worst Day

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My bestie is now okay, he feel better but he still angry at Robby for breaking his sunglasses

And hurt his face by throwing a medium size rock to his face

It leave a scar on his forehead, but I'm sure it will be gone

"What should we do today?" I ask

"Make Robby's Day worst" Mousse said

"Good Idea!" I said

"We should make him got beaten by public" Akari said

"How?" I ask

"We should let him stole Mousse's hat and say he's a thief, so everyone will chase him and beat him" Akari said

"Great! We should do it this noon" I said

"Nothing, I'm lazy" Mousse said

"You lazy boy" I said

"I'm going to call my uncle, that live in Maple Mountain, to ask, can I stay on his house" I said

"Ohh, can we come too?!" Akari and Mousse said

"Why not? Be careful, My Uncle probably look very scary, but he's kind" I said

"Yay!" They both said

Well, not long after we got home, we will go to Maple Mountain to stay for a few weeks there

There's the next adventure will be set

Today, our style is classy, I wear a short sleeve shirt with armwarmer as always with blue trousers, Mousse wear short sleeve shirt and brown shorts, Akari wear white tank with purple trousers.

"Let's go out" I said

We're going out and see Robby run, and he hit Mousse on purpose and making Mousse dropping his hat

"Where's my hat? Oh, this is it" Robby said and take Mousse's hat

He doesn't even wear any hat before!

"Hey! That's my hat you little...!!" Mousse said and almost say a bad word

"Calm down Mousse, Let's chase him with our motorcycle" I said

Oh yeah, the resort now let us to borrow their motorcycle, they have 6

We chase Robby with our motorcycle and...

Akari's Motorcycle hit Robby first, causing him to fainted

"You better stop stealing my hat you idiot!" Mousse said and step on Robby then take his hat back

We're returning to our resort...


"Guys! Look what I've found! A dog and kitty!" Akari said

"Awwie!" Mousse said and take off his sunglasses

"Cutie pie! Who's the good boy?" I said while playing with the kitten

Shortly, Robby come and kick Mousse

"Ouch! What's that for?!" Mousse ask

"Since you always stepping on me, that's what you got" Robby said

And looks like the dog disliking Robby, it keeps barking on him

"Shut up you silly dog" Robby said and kick the dog

"You....!!!" Mousse said and going to attack Robby but I hold him

The dog gets more angry and it chasing Robby

"AHHHH!!! HELP ME!" He said

"No way, I hope you fall" I said

Then what did I just said is true
Il est tombe !
He's fall

And it's making the dog bite him easily
The dog bite him in the leg

"OUCH! OUCH OUCH! IT HURT SO BAD" Robby said and kicking the dog with the other leg

And the dog also bite the other leg

"AUCH! IT HURT!" He say and tear come from his eyes

We want to help him, but I'm scared he repeat the mistake again
Like what he do when we visit him on the hospital

"It hurt so bad!" He say and cried

Mousse trying to help him by letting go the dog
The dog let him go and both of his legs are Bloody

"It's hurt, it because of your dog!" Robby said and slap Mousse

"Hey! I just help you and this is what you do to me?!" Mousse said

"I HATE YOU AND YOUR DOG!" Robby said and running, but fall in the middle of the way

This is an another bad day for him after that one in Oniontown

"I HATE YOU MOUSSE!" He said and got hit by car

Mousse getting angry, I calm him and he calm finally

"Robby always saying he hate me, even though I'm not doing anything to him" He said

"He just jealous of you, be strong tough guy!" I said

"Thanks" he said and shed his tear

Oh no! Mousse crying! A tough guy like him shouldn't crying because of a childish human like Robby

Robby will pay for this!

"Don't cry Mousse, you are a tough guy, while he's a small person, and he's nothing for you" I said

"Oh no! Why is Mousse crying?" Akari ask

"Maybe cuz Robby bully him too much, and it hurting him" I said

"Bad Robby, be strong Mousse! He's nothing for a tough guy like you!" Akari said

"Yeah, I just want to sleep for now" Mousse said and heading to his bed

"Ugh! Robby always make him cry!" I said

"Always? This isn't the first time Robby make him cry?" Akari ask

"Yes, he ever make Mousse cry on the apartment" I said

"Bad Robby!" Akari said

Bad Robby always make Poor Mousse crying or sad, I can't believe he isn't scared of tough guy like Mousse.

I hope he realize his mistake

To Be Continued...

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