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Into the abyss I fall
Into the abyss I crawl

Into the abyss I claw
Claw on the rope that was none
Into the abyss I saw
Saw what my eyes didn't want to see

Into the abyss I lost
Lost my courage to be found
Into the abyss I tried
Tried what? I don't know now
Into the abyss I stayed
Stayed in order to find a way to leave

Authors notes 👇👇👇

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is the first poem piece I wrote again last 8/8/18

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This is the first poem piece I wrote again last 8/8/18. In fact, this is the first written piece I wrote again AFTER 11 YEARS of being inactive in my passion. I honestly thought I was beyond my writing years, when my last written and published article was 2007 in our university paper. And since I graduated, I got caught up in the socio-economic rat race of earning income through an 8-5 job; so my hobbies and passion needed to step back. But that was before August 2018, when a friend removed me from our business project in a way betraying my efforts and our friendship. This led way to me reconnecting with a trusted college friend, who inroduced me to a writing app and community called YourQuote. She encouraged me to renew my writing passion, which I did.

And this poem ABYSS, is one of the outles of my hurts . Thank you to the friend who betrayed me; you reignited my dormant fire and zest for writing. You thought me that I was not meant for our business project; because I was made for something bigger! Something of more impact and help to others beyond just being giddy about hitting small sales quotas

Miracles really do happen, and they happen daily. We just need to be open to embrace and appreciate these little yet powerful miracles in our everyday lives.

I hope you liked this poetry. Do you have suggestions or topics that you want to discuss? Let me know what you think, write them in the comments below.

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Stay safe and keep inspiring. 🤗😘

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