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I get up and shrug my shoulders. That kind of hurt... what the fuck was that. Looking up see a very tall man standing about 300 yards away. Did he do this?

"Who the fuck are you?"

Instead of answering me he raises his arm with a great air of finality. I reach for my knife but suddenly their was a stinging sensation right above my heart. I look down and see a syringe plunged into my heart. Shit why do I feel so weak all off a sudden? Where did that needle come from?

With startling speed the tall man hurtled toward me, and before I could get my slowed body to move, he kicks me in the shoulder. I feel like I'm flying then I hit something and fade out.

~Ambrosia's POV~

Their was a loud,booming thud as Wolf's body hit the wall of the building next to us. He doesn't even move. His skins had turned a translucent white. Now both of his eyes, usually one full of energy and the other a dark black, are a glossy grayish black.

" Impressive indeed... but alas I can not allow my very own son to impede the absolute eradication of humankind," a tall man booms as he walks from the direction Wolf had flown from. His eyes are dark red, much darker than the one that had previously been Wolf's. He's wearing a dark suit of black with golden decoration around the shoulders. His hair is mix of black and several shades of gray. his complexion is similar to thew way Wolf's was, but his countenance is far more cruel than Wolf had ever been.

"Did you say your own son?" Luna asks sharply. He practically teleported over and slapped Luna hard across the face knocking all of us over because we were chained to each other.

"Did I give you permission to speak you pathetic worm?" he snarls at her. Luna remained silent. "I thought so," he says and turns his back dismissively.

Looking at Wolf he says, "He wont be able to do anything now. Even though I, his father, cannot kill him. He can kill himself."

"He wouldn't do that!!!!" I scream at him.

He laughs at me and points at Wolf. "Oh are you so sure? Just you watch you little abnormal bitch," he booms at me. As he speaks Wolf pulls out his knife and cuts off his shirt.

~Wolf's POV~

As I open my eyes, I realize that I can't move nor can I speak. My vision is not stable and nothing seems to stand still. My ears are ringing just like when that grenade killed Tabitha.

My stomach lurches and I feel a sudden weight on my back that feels like heavy cold chains. looking around I see that I'm surounded by darkness, and that I am bound by large, rusty chains. The area is almost freezing, or atleast I am freezing.

Your parents rejected you... they threw you out into the decript streets of a dead city. You were not good enough for them.

The voice thundered around the room but seemed to sound from inside my head at the same time. The chains binding me became heavier and it feels like I am being electrocuted. My mind loses all stability as all the emotions I have carried over the years burst forth. Anger, saddnes, pain, but above all depression. A tear falls from the tip of my nose and turns to blood when it hits the floor.

You failed to protect the city that you swore to keep safe, Thousands of people are now dead because you were busy being useless in your tears, their lives were on your shoulders and you let them fall.

I collapse beneath the sudden weight of the chains. The tears start to burn and red clouds my vision. I try to scream but all that comes out is a gurgle and then blood pours from my mouth and nose. I try to push my self up but the chains are to heavy I feel that I am being crushed and I can't move the chains. I squirm and try to scream but the blood continues to pour. I feel like the skin is being fried and I start to spasm from the electric shock. Blood starts to fill the room and I cant get up. I cant see out of one eye and I can feel the blood covering most of my face. I feel the blood all around me bioling hot and it feels like I'm burning. The blood goes over my head and i finally scream i feel the bubbles rise through the blood and suddenly I cant breath. I take a breath in and start to choke on blood. The taste of salt and copper coat my mouth as I start to puke out the blood but every time I puke I breath in more blood. As my vision starts to fade the blood disappears and I puke again. The sent of blood still in the air now mixed with that of stomach bile.

You werent there for your friends, they trusted you with thier lives and you were not there when they needed you. They were taken unaware and are now dead or being tortured.

I feel my bones break and shatter from the weight of the chains. I can't feel the lower half of my body and My arms will no longer move. What I can feel of my body felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly by a giant sewing machine. The lights come on in the room and I see a person with long black hair standing with his back to me. The chains dissapear but I still cant move.The person turned around and I see my self standing there looking at myself with hatred in his red eye. The black eye was as ominously emotionless as ever.


The angry version of myself ran towards me and kicked me in the face launching me across the room and into a wall that broke as I hit it. What little I could feel was gone I felt nothing completly numb. I could move my arms but it didn't feel like they moved.I was falling still I could see the light from the break in the wall fade as I fell further down. I hit the ground with a dull thud and still didnt feel anything. The pain started to grow as I stood up and stumbled foward. I couldnt see anything but I heard crying in the distance so I followed the sound. It was familiar but I couldnt place it. After a couple thousand steps I heard a jangling from above me. Before I could react I was crushed against the ground. I was being crushed under a solid steel net. I hear footsteps coming from behind me. They were soft and light.

"Why didn't you save me Wolfie?"

I couldnt answer, the net was to heavy for me to take in enough air.

"You couldn't save me... could you?"

Tears run down my face as I try to breath in enough air to speak.

"You failed me. You promised to keep me safe and that you would never leave. Why didn't you take the brunt of the blast."

She is screaming at me now

"I couldn't see it coming Tabitha." I managed to rasp.


There was a sharp burning sensation in my chest as I saw the anger deep in her eyes. My vision fades as I become numb.

~Seraphina's POV~

I stared in disbelief at the network of blood lacing Wolf's pale skin. His eyes, though back to normal, lack any  sign of life. There is a large gash above his heart were he had slowly carved away flesh and muscle till he had gotten to his rib cage. That man sat there in front of him chuckling to himself. Those red eye's alight with sadistic pleasure as blood pooled around Wolf's body.

I look over at Ambrosia who had tried to pull us all over when Wolf started to cut  into himself. They tried to nock her out with the medication the used on Sophie but they didn't work. The man who proclaimed himself to be Wolf's father got up and nocked her out cold. A huge bruise is starting to develop on her fore head. The rest of us were  staring at our feet. I looked up at wolf again and focused on the hilt of the knife that was thrust through his heart. He's dead.

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