Chapter 1

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Castle of Palette

Castle of Palette

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Jaxon, Vaste

Mira Blankely

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Mira Blankely

Castle of Palette, jaxon, Vaste



A Beautiful city filled with waterfalls running through the parlaments building, the Three Courts and not to mention the red river dividing the city into half. It's infrastructure was breathtaking so it wasn't too uncommon to have Tourists from the other Kingdoms visiting. especailly during Winter, where the vastian Swans liked to visit the empire and fill up the river with their majestatic presences. ofcourse the businessmen hated the birds for making transportation difficult, but they were also benefitting from the romantic conoes rides.

This flourishing city  was the capital of the vastian kingdom where King John resided with his family of three wives, Rami, Castella and Jasmine and his four daughters and a son, Amani, Miranda, Isla, Beatrice and Matteo. His firstborn, crown prince Cole Blankley died at the age of 10 years old because of the red fever that spread ten years ago thanks to the rivers red butterflies.

Ever since that tragic death, with vastians being gender equal and all, Princess Miranda has been trained to become the next reagent of the Kingdom. Altough Mira, as she is affecionately called by close people, is indeed very prominent, the other three Kings of Alcensen do not agree and seem to just wait for her to become Queen so that they can conquer the Kingdom of Vaste. Because no matter how strong the Kingdom is, how couldn't they possible win over a lady? Plus, rumors has it that her specs vanished along with the red fever.

Mira has always known of the Kings unjust presumptions, so she forces her eyes to stay wide open during Old Ronalds sessions of political war strategics.

She was failing utterly.

Thank God that she wasn't the only one to partake in the lessons, or else Ronalds would throw a fit.

The study hall was rather massive and about hundreds of Royal and non-Royal Richmans Children were partaking in the Political stragety course. It was King Johns idea to educate not only Royal blood but also the ones that might become the Royal bloods advisers with political war strategies. This desicion was only made six years ago and some whisper that it might have to do with a female taking over the throne in the future. How could they trust an emotional Child bearing female with political war strategies? She needs male advisers by her side so her occasionaly monthly bleeding doesn't make her desicions cause chaos in the flourishing vastian nation.

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