Chapter 3

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Mira's attire

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Mira's attire

Mira Blanklely
Palette, Jaxon, Vaste


The ball meeting had ended and made Mira very fatigued. She decided to go back to her chambers and read her favorite book before joing her family at the dining hall. Altough the planning and responsibility had made Mira very exhausted the true reason for her exhaustion was a certain general that had come back to her life.


Mira knew that she was more surprised than disappointed, yet she still kept wondering who his wife was. Was she some from a sydian family or does she live in Jaxon? Did he fall in love or was it arranged?

I shouldn't even care

She decided to forget about her millions of questions and instead focus on her favoritebook of all times. It was a story about a young girl that discovers she is of royal blood and finds herself forced to become a queen. She always felt like she could relate to her.

As Mira was reading through the first couple of pages, she found herself drifting into her thoughts again.

This time on her mind was the increasing poverty in the smuts, an area on the otherside of the red river. It had been reported to King John that a lot of youngsters were forced to get into gangs just to have food three times a day, and when the news reached Mira she decided to donate to five orphanages located in that area by holding a charity masqeueade ball.

So her charity ball wasnt just a way to make people see her as capable, it was also a way for Mira's guilt to subside. She had always felt guilty for having such luxuries when she knew for a fact that some people, a lot of people, in The Kingdom didn't even have a tenth of it. That's why she was dead set on organizing the ball herself.

She needed to make sure that the money reached the five orphanages in the smuts and not some rich men who already had double of the amount in their velvets. In order to make sure that that the guests donations, whatever it may be, was in the right hands, Mira had assigned it to her Father. He was going to keep the donations in his personal velvet which was guarded by all sorts of senmasters, and on the following day transport it across the red river to the smuts.

Mira hoped that after she succeeded with it that some of her guilt would subside.

She suddenly woke up from her deep thoughts and looked at the watch only to realize that it was ten minutes left until the dining. She hurriedly got up from her bed and checked herself in the mirror before rushing to the dining hall.

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