Chapter 7

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         Second floor, castle of Palette

Mira entered the rather small meeting chamber with Santi following closely behind her. Her big gown needed to be lifted up and so she stuggled for awhile before entering the narrow door and taking in the scene.

The room was mostly made out of wood and looked older and more ancient like most of the chambers of the lower half of the Castle usually did. The room had a big circular table made out of iron in its middle area and some wooden chairs accompanying it. The Lightning was bad with only two torches hanging on the right side of the walls. The torches lighted on the scrolls that were spread out and spiked on the wooden walls. Mira only managed to caught a glimse of the drawings of different people, with the letter M and a question mark beaneath it, before she turned her attention towards the troop.

Santi had already informed her about their ages and names and also showed her drawings so she could recognise them. To her right was Mazort Binge standing. He was orginally of a sydian héritage, but moved to Jaxon with his families when he was a toddler.

He graduated alongside Allan and the rest last month from the main seninstituion of the Sydes, in the Sydian Kingdom. His spec was combat, archery and besides him was Isaac Tunelle. He had raven hair and seemed shorter than the rest, his spec was also archery but he was skilled in combat as well. The rest, Drew, Henrick, Cally, Alex and Adnan were all specialized in regular combat training and their specs was mental Communication. They could communicate with people through their thoughts but they were all highly skilled warriors and specialized in different fields by training.

These eight men, with Allan being their leader had scored the highest of their year and were the legendary rookies, he had told Mira.

"We are all to your service, your highness." Allan said and bowed his head as soon as Mira entered. The others followed along but instead went down on one of their knees and said all in sync. "We pledge alliance and obediance to you, your highness."

Mira bowed her head slightly to show her gratitude and relieved them of their position. " Your loyality has been accepted, now please stand up and take a seat."
They didn't and waited for her to first take a seat.  Allan on the otherhand was still standing up. He positioned himself infront of them and it suddenly felt like they were in a class.

"Her highness is present in this meeting so that she can be informed of how we will protect her and Prince Aidan, during the masquerade." Mira couldn't help but notice the extra spite when he said her fiance's name, and it made Mira think of Felicia's earlier statement which in return made her bite back a smile.

"Binge, would you please inform  her highness about the evacuation plan." Allan said ignoring Mira's smile. Mazort Binge was a redhead and probably not used to have her highness present during meetings. His cheek soon resembled the color of his hair as he cleared his voice and tried his best to ignore her cleavage. The other men slighlty chuckled and began to make fun of him.

But as soon as he began speaking, he was surprisingly eloquent.

"Your highness, during your speech I would like you to stand right here, from this angle" He said and pointed on a map of the courtroom that was spread out on the iron table. "It will be harder for archers to hit you with an arrow, unless they are very close to you. If an attack were to happen, then run to this red flag in this corner, since we can never be too catious keep yourself near this area at all times. Royal guards will surround the walls so you needn't worry about..."As Binge explained her evacuation plan thoroughly, Mira was more curious of the scrolls hanging on the walls and how they were going to capture M, when they couldn't even identify him. Letting her curiosity take the best of her, she decided to ask them right after Binge was done.

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