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I was shock once she asked me a question. I look at her and smile. I still remember what Jungkook had told me last night.


I sit on the couch at the living room and sighed. My mind is miserable right now. Karen, everyone in Paris which are my family, damn! I feel someone sit beside me and I look beside.

It was Jungkook.

He smile and I smile back. I move away from him making sure that our distance is not too near. I don't want to ruin his marriege life.

"Are you okey Anne?"said Jungkook. I nod in respond.

"I have something to tell you."

"what is it?"

"Don't ever tell Y/N about our past. Don't tell her that we once dating each other"



"Oppa? Anne? Not going to sleep yet?"said Y/N that came down stair. Jungkook smile and stand up. He glance at me and pick up his wife in bridal style. Then, the both them went upstair with laughter


I smile and say "actually, we are friends and know each other since primary school" I feel guilty for hide the truth from her. She is his wife. She need to know everything but I don't get it why Jungkook doesn't let me to.

She smile and say "really? Wow thats great. Thats mean, you know him more than I do" I nod and force a big smile on my face. She is very kind and pretty. She have a perfect face and also her character fit her very well.

"I know Jungkook when I was 15. He is my mom's friend son. Our family know each other."said her in smile. I smile and nod in understand. "How do you both can be more closer?"I ask.

"I don't quite remember but I still remember he confessed to me right infront of our parents, on my 16th birthday"said her in smile. I can tell she is very happy with him. I hope she will be more happier with him. I hope Jungkook won't make her sad or cry.


The both of us keep talking about some girls things and I also bring her to the mall. Today is her second day living with us, so I bought her some clothes using my own money. I didn't use Jungkook's money on someone but for myself.

After a long day walking and hangout with each other a lot, the both of us went home by my car. I went upstair and say "Anne,I  want to take a rest in my room. If you need anything, just ask me okey?"

Anne nod and I went to my room. I get myself in, turn on the aircond, place my phone on the table also my purse and last for not least, I jump on my bed. Then, my phone buzz signal that there is a new messages arrived.

I take it and got a messages from Jungkook. I open it and read his text.

Y/N, i will be at home late tonight. No need to wait for me and have your dinner with Anne. Also, sleep early tonight. I don't know what time I will arrived at home. I got a lot of works here right now. Take care of yourself at home okey sweety. I love you and have a sweetdream.

I smile and text him back.

I love you too bunny!<3

After I send it, I sighed and look at the time. Three more hours, then I will cook for dinner. I sighed and close my eyes. I decided to take a quick nap before taking a shower later.

With the cold air surrounding me, i finally land in my dreamland.


I lean my head backward and shut my eyes tight. This is so frustrating. After our second honeymoon, I got a lot of works to do. I sighed and open my eyes. I stare at our marriege photo. She is smiling happily in the photo. Same goes to me.

I smile and I quickly remember with what Jimin hyung told me this morning.


"She what?!"

I nod in yes and take a sip on my coffee. I told Jimin hyung about Anne start to live with me and Y/N. Its really shock him to death.

"You are not joking right? She is comeback and then, she live with the both of you? Bro, this is not make sense at all"said Jimin hyung in not believe. I nod and say "i'm sorry hyung"

"Sorry?? Hey, she is living with you right now. Thank God Y/N is a kind girl. Are you sure you won't be fall for her again?"Said him.

I become silent and look at him. He shook his head.

"She is your first love and i know, it is hard to forget our first love. But past is past and stay focus for the future. Start a new book with a new story. Make it great and don't make it worst like in the past"


I sighed and I keep thinking of his words.

I'm not falling for her because J already promised with Y/N that I will only stay loyal to her. I will never cheat behind her. I just hope that I will keep my own words.

Jimin hyung really know how to give some advise to me. He is my personal counselor and my bestfriend same as Taehyung hyung. I look at my phone and realize that Y/N reply my text. I smile and continue doing my work

THE THIRD PERSON [BOOK 1] || JEON JUNGKOOK [C]Where stories live. Discover now