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I stand infront of Yerim's cafe. I look at the banner and saw Y/N's name on it.

"That is for your child!"

I shook my head in sudden. I'm not crazy yet. Y/N is not pregnant and if she did, she might had told me. I sighed and get in the cafe. I hope Yerim is here so that i can talk to her. I want to be more honest.

I really do love Anne but sometimes, i feel kind of missing Y/N. Wait am i?

I sighed and sit at one table. I take out my phone and sighed. I open my contact list and there it is. I saw 'My Lovely Wife' contact. Its Y/N. My finger want to press the call button but i just can't.

I am very confused with my own feeling right now.

But i feel very confident that i still love Anne and not Y/N.


I look up and saw Yerim infront of me. I stand up and say "yerim!"

"What the hell are you doing in my cafe? Are you trying to say sorry or you want to beg me for finding my bestfriend?"said her in annoyed tone.

I sighed and say "Yerim. I--"

She shush me and say "Shhushhhh. Listen up young man. I don't want to hear anything from you. You break my bestfriend heart, thats mean you break our friendship too."

"Yerim. Listen just once. Please let me explain more. I want to be more honest with you" i said. I will not stop begging her to hear my explanation.

"No! No need to do that Mr Jeon Jungkook! I don't fucking want to hear your explanation. Enough you hurt my bestfriend heart. And the most worst is, you kick her out from her own house without nothing! You are such an idiot guy i ever met in my whole life. I can't accept you as my bestfriend anymore"said her.

She was about to leave but i stop her by grabbing her wrist. She look back at me and say "let me go you idiot!"

I sighed and say "but Yerim. Please. Just this once. I seriously want to tell you this. Please!!"

"i don't want to. Just let me go or i call the cops. Choose. Either i kick you out from my cafe, or i call the cops!"said her in firm. I don't have any choice and let her wrist go. She cross her arm and look away.

"Now get out from my cafe! NOW!"

"but yerim---"

"NOWW!!!!!"scream her and look at me in madness.

I sighed and nod slightly. I step backward and take my phone.

"I'm leaving"

she glare at me and look away. I smile a bit and left.


I sit at my office in my cafe. I cross my arm and look at my picture with Y/N smiling widely at the camera.

I need to be more aggresive toward Jungkook for you Y/N. I will never let you feel hurt and you're gone without nothing. I can't believe that Jungkook did that to you

I close my eyes and sighed. I look at the time. Its almost dinner. I need to be at home now. I take my purse and stand up. I just hope Jungkook realize his own mistake.

I get out from my office and look around. My workers are all gathering chatting some stuff. I went to them and they all stand up. They bow to me.

"Good evening Miss Yerim"Greet them.

I nod once and say "you all not going home yet?"

"no miss. We want to have a few chat first."Said one of them. I nod and say "okey. Please lock this cafe once you all are done. Okey?" I smile at them and they all nod. I nod and left.

"Wait miss!"

i turn back and one of my worker came to me with a---


He give it to me and i take it. "What is this?"i ask.

"Ohh its from Mr Jeon."

"jungkook?!"i said in shock. He nod and i sighed.

Now what is he up to? Try to convince me? Well sorry for that. I give the box to him back and say "tell him. No thanks"

I then left.

After a long journey, i reach my apartment and get in. I sighed and walk slowly toward the living room. I sit there and lean backward. I sighed and close my eyes.

"Yerim? You are home"said Anne.

I open my eyes and look at her. I smile weakly and she stop smiling.

"Must be over stress"said her.

"I am. By the way, do you want to know something?"i said and sit up straight.

"What is it?"said her and sit beside me.

"Jungkook came to my cafe this morning"i said and look at her. She went backward a bit. "He did?"said her in shock. I nod slightly.

"But why?"

"He want to explain everything but i stop at him. I can't hold my anger and just mad at him."I said.


"i kick him out. The most shocking is, he gave me a box. Its like a gift or something."

"Damn he really want you to hear his damn explanation"said her and cross her arm.

"Definitely yes Anne. But, he is just so stupid. Why would i give a chance to a guy like him? He is damn fuck"i said and roll my eyes.

She sighed and say "what if he come meet you again tomorrow?"

I look at her.

"I will kick his stupid ass"i said in cold tone.

"I see. By the way, enough talking about him. I think you should take a rest now. You seem very tired though"

"well, i should. Goodnight then Anne"i said and stand up.

"Goodnight Yerim"

I smile and take my purse then went straight to my room. I just hope that i won't meet that jerk anymore. He hurt my bestfriend, then, he should feel how hurt my friend is.

THE THIRD PERSON [BOOK 1] || JEON JUNGKOOK [C]Where stories live. Discover now