Midnight Sonata

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Time had passed, and it had been given a task one more.

The orbital alignments had moved, and now things were less than optimal, but it could still do what it needed. If it thought about such things, the intelligence within might have questioned why it was being brought to task so soon after fulfilling its last calling. But such trivia as time meant little to something like itself, which resided in multiple dimensions.

It was concious, if such a term really applied, that there had been a small thread of information passing through itself since shortly after that time, which wasn't meant to happen. But it was so small a thing, so trivial in terms of energy useage, that it hardly mattered, even if it had lasted for eons.

But now, it had to wake once more. Within its interior, huge stores of energy were stirring again. Systems, sensors and field generators were being warmed up and tested.

It was time. It focussed its attention on the third planet from the local star, and began to sing.

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