Chapter 3

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Social media is my life. I opened up the laptop, and pulled up Instagram, tumblr, and every other social network I used. All together, there was about six or seven pages in my browser. All of them social media sites. I typed in my password to tumblr, and began scrolling through the latest feed. Just about everyone in my school had a tumblr; including Joanie and I. This was also the only way I could keep in touch with her over the summer, besides my iPhone. I kept scrolling until I came across a post from Marsha. It was posted forty-five minutes ago; and surprisingly, I was tagged in it. It read:

"finally! School is over!! Now time for summer, I will miss you all!!! Except for you, Ariana >:)"

I narrowed my eyes at the screen, glaring at the post that had poisoned my feed. But I wasn't going to worry about this little problem, because on tumblr, I'm famous. I have 999k followers on Tumblr, Instagram, and all of the other social medias I'm involved in that will gladly back me up and defend me. I feel my internet friends are the only ones in life that actually care about me, because, well, they are. I continued scrolling through the feed when I came across a post. I very important post. It was a post from Josh. I read it carefully, as soon as I finished reading it, I began getting those same butterflies. He had wrote:

"Well, the year is over. I'm going to miss all of my friends."

He didn't even tag Marsha. This mad me feel very happy. And if you hadn't already noticed, this is my life. This is pretty much what I do everyday, and it's what I'll be doing all summer. I know Joanie said I need to get out there this summer, but I just can't. It's harder than you'd think. I clicked over to the post button, and began typing. When I was finished, I got post. I watched it load and enter the feed screen. I had typed:

"well, summer is now here. Now to do what I do everyday for longer; stay on social media." It said. I then watched as not even three seconds after I had posted it, I had already gotten 506 likes, and 12 comments. I smiled slightly, I felt accomplished now. I took a bite out of my cold pizza, and a sip of my Arizona tea. I think clicked the Instagram tab and clicked the post button. I scrolled through my pictures and found an overlay of pizza I had drawn long ago. I clicked it and began typing a caption. I typed:

"Pizza, Arizona tea, and social media; great way to start off the summer. #ForeverAlone "

' #ForeverAlone' was my signature sign off for every pod to posted. I don't know why, oh wait, maybe because it's true. I would never have a chance at a boyfriend. Or real friends for that matter. I closed my laptop and sat back in my chair, slowly drifting to sleep. Another thing I really liked, was silence and sleep.

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