Im sorry, truly sorry

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I was never really sure how to start this but ill just do it. This may also be trash I'm sorry for that too.
The pain it hurts, to many people I may seem fine but I miss you.
Its been a while, feels like my entire life and I know that you'll never see this but I had to let it out.
I know you're living a fantastic and happy life and so am I but every time I see you I just want to break down and to just cry.
I want you to know how sorry I am and that I know how nothing will fix what I have done.
But in some way I want you to see that I want things to be right, to be fixed.
The more and more that I live knowing that there was nothing that I could do to mend what happened hurts.
In a way I'm writing this as a apology cant be an apology if you will never read it.
In a way i wanted this to be heard from me, because I know that I would struggle saying it to your face.
Maybe this isn't what you want and I understand but I want to at least show that i care that i want to do something about it.
There may be certain people who read this and know exactly what I'm talking about.
But they probably don't care anymore.
So to end this all I'm terribly sorry and i know this may mean nothing but to me it means a lot.
Someone you may have forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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