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~Time skip~

Theo and Liam bust through the doors with Theo bleeding from his chest.

"Oh my God Theo what happened?" Scott asked.

"We we're attacked by Ruby!" Liam said while putting Theo on the sofa.

"What!" Jess said.

"Yah she wanted to shoot me but Theo came in the way!" Liam said.

"Oh my God he is bleeding alot! I mean shouldn't he be healing!" Jess said.

"Yah he should, why isn't he healing?" Lydia said.

"I have no idea!" Liam said.

"Ahhh!" Theo screamed in pain.

"Theo calm down! You can get through this!" Liam said.

*Phone rings*

"hello?" Jess answered the call.

"Hey Jess!" Ruby answered.

"Ruby!" Jess said.

"Ohw by the way how is Theo doing?" Ruby asked.

"You'll pay for this!" Jess said.

"Aww that's nice of you to think that you can even lend a finger on me! But I know how to save him!" Ruby said.

"You do?" Jess asked.

"Yeah I do!" Ruby replied.

"Let me guess, you want something in return!" Jess said.

"Well obviously!.... I want you to come meet me alone! Just want to talk and I'll give you the cure!" Ruby said.

"And why should I believe you?" Jess asked.

"Do you have a choice!.... That bullet will kill him within 8 hours, 1 hour has already gone! It's your choice jess, I'll send you the location! Be there in 2 hours!" Ruby said as she cut the call.

"Jess you know that it's going to be a trap right?" Lydia asked.

"Of course I know it's a trap but if I don't go Theo will die!" Jess said.

"Well we'll come with you!" Scott said.

"You guys cannot come with me, don't you remember she said I come alone!" Jess said.

"Yah but you can't fight her alone!" Stiles said.

"I don't have a choice besides she said she just wants to talk!" Jess said.

"Yah and you know that's just a stupid lie!" Stiles said.

"Well I'll just go and get the cure and I'll come back, it's that easy!" Jess said.

Jess then went upstairs to get ready to go but she left her phone in the sitting room.

Bzzz the phone buzzed.

"I guess that's the location!" Stiles said.

Liam went and took her phone and looked at the location.

"Liam what are you doing?" Jackson asked.

"I'm going to get that cure!" Liam answered.

"Um no your not! Listen Theo needs you by his side right now okay! ,Don't say anything we all know there is something between you guys and you can't deny it and I also know that Jess can't do this alone so I'll do it!" Scott said.

"Thank you!" Liam said.

"I promise you nothing will happen to him!" Scott said and left.

*At a closed water factory*

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