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Here we were. The loud music made my bones jump up and down and I could feel my spine pulsing because of the beat. The whole room was filled with people and the different colour lights spinning around made it difficult to see which kind of people there was here. People were separated. Some were drinking, others were just dancing. And then there was a space with couches where people sat and talked.
"It's so noisy!", I shouted near Mina's ear.
"What else do you expect inside a club?", she shouted back. Her response made me sigh deeply. Why can't she just response normal?

My thoughts were interrupted by Mina dragging me. She held my wrist tightly till we reached the bar. There weren't many people here at the bar. Just me and Mina, and some other girls on the end of the long table.
"What can I bring for these ladies?", the bartender asked.
"Umm", I looked at Mina who was just looking around at the different alcohols.
"Two strong tequilas!", she said while smiling happily.
While the bartender left, I quickly looked at Mina who was just smiling like she has done something quite big.
"Why strong?!", I whispered.
"To let all the stress you have with school fade away.", she said smiling with her teeth.
"Yeah, totally.", I chuckled.

Quickly enough the bartender came with two small cups with alcohol. He placed them right in front of us and said:" Enjoy." while smiling.
Before I even could say thank you, Mina took the one glass and drank all of it. She didn't even make an expression on her face to symbolise what it might have tasted like.
The only thing I did was to stare at her. How many times has she been drinking? She turns towards me and says:" Your turn, Y/N."
I can't tell by her face if she's being serious or not. You know what, let's show her that I can do that too. I took the glass and poured it into my mouth. The strong taste made my throat burn so I closed my eyes tightly. On my right side, I could hear giggling. "Stop laughing, Mina!", I said while putting the glass back down.
"Y-Your expression w-was so f-funny!", she struggled to say while laughing.
It wasn't actually my first time. I've drank before but I just took a break from it. Because it made my head hurt like hell the next days.

"Anyways, Y/N, I'm going to the toilets. Wanna join?", she asked after laughing.
I mean I didn't really have to pee.
"No, just be quick. I'll be here.", I said tapping her shoulder.
As she left, I took my phone and scrolled through messages. It didn't take long time before I felt someone's stare at me from my side sight. I turned my head and look up. It was a man. He was just sitting there. I couldn't tell exactly how he looked like because of the distance, but he was just sitting there on the couch with his legs crossed and staring at me. I quickly looked back at my phone avoiding his gaze at me. After some seconds, it didn't feel like he was sitting there anymore. I decided to turn my head again the same direction, and luckily he was gone. I felt quite relieved, who know what the guy would be up to. I mean, not that I judge people at first sight, but he was kinda creeping me out. Before I could turn my gaze back to the phone, someone tapped my shoulder making me startle. Of course, only Mina could be up to such things. While turning around, I met two pair of brown eyes. Those eyes made my spine shiver. It wasn't Mina.

It was him. The same man. His dark brown eyes made my eyes sting. I didn't realise I was staring at him until he smiled. He had a cute gummy smile, and it made me melt immediately. He sat down beside me, and brought his both hands up to the table. Not gonna lie, he was attractive. I wonder if he knew about it. He had light silver hair, probably coloured it. Pierced ears and a sharp jawline. What was I gonna say? Hello?
But why was he staring at me earlier? And why was he beside me now?
"If you keep staring, I-", he said.
Before he could even finish, I quickly looked away saying: "Omg, sorry.",
I could hear him chuckling quietly, and it made me even more embarrassed.
"I'm Yoongi.", he said while taking his hand out for a shake.
Wow, this name would've only suited him. Should I tell my name? No, you can't trust random people. Or?
I accepted the shake and shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Yoongi. It's Y/N.", I say while slightly backing my hand afterwards.
His gaze made me wonder how he is. He seems like a person that could leave a girl anytime whenever he wants to.
"Y/N is such a cute name.", he said with his deep voice.
"Thank you.", I said smiling. To be honest, I didn't even know if the smile I gave was real.
Why was my heart beating so fast?
"So Y/N, did you come here alone?", he asked while leaning his face on his hand."
Should I tell him? That I came alone, only to impress him? No, what if Mina comes out of nowhere.
"No, actually I came here with a friend. But she is at the toilet.", I said while looking around.
My answer made him sigh deeply. I was left dumbfounded. What was his problem and why does he care at all?
Out of nowhere his response made me shocked. "Sorry to say it this way, but I think she just ditched you for some man.", he said while pointing at the dance floor. I knit my eyebrows in confusion. I turn my head to the place he was pointing at and that's when my eyes went wide as plates.

Mina was dancing there. Drunk. With men all around her. I quickly got off my chair and went towards the direction to her. But not even a second later, a strong firm hand takes hold of my wrist. I turn back to see Yoongi holding my hand. His stare was intense. It felt like he pierced through my eyes with his gaze.
"I don't think you should go there.", he said looking at me and the crowded people.
This boy was getting on my nerves.
"Wtf, let me go!", I said while trying to get out of his grip. But this only lead to getting his grip stronger and tighter.
"I said no, Y/N. Don't do it.", he said with gritted teeth.
Before I could response with any word, I got dragged by him through the crowd and out of the place.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?", I shout
"Don't shout at me!", he said, still holding on to my wrist.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?", I said while looking directly into his eyes.
His eyes scanned my whole face, and I just stood there still processing what next would happen.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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