The choice

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I tried to shoot the arrow but it went completely wrong. I wasn't even close to the target. I huffed and put the bow down, leaning against a tree.

"You're not yourself today." Hephaestion said, sitting next to me.

"You don't say." I answered.

"Tell me what's wrong." He said.

"Nothing you can change." I said.

"Come on. I'm your best friend. I want to help you." He nudged my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and told him my problem. "So... My parents consider that I am at the age where I should choose a husband. They already look for potential candidates."

His smile dropped in the second he heard that. I looked into his eyes and just shrugged.

"If you want I can talk to them." He said.

"And say what? They won't listen. They already dislike you a bit for taking me to training. They are upset because I don't like singing or other stuffs that women usually do." I said.

"I wish I could do something for you. You deserve so much more." He said.

"Well, welcome to the horrible society we live in." I said.

"Maybe I can talk to Alexander. He could convince his father to give a law or something." He said.

"Please, Hephaestion. Theses ancient norms are convenient for the ones who rule. And you won't change people's mentality with a law." I said.

"When will you meet the first boy?" He asked.

"This afternoon, why?"

"I will be with you." He said.

"Why? To be sure it's a good one?" I laughed.

"Well, if you have no other choice, I have to check if he is suitable." He said.

I faked a smile and looked away. I don't know what I expected him to say. We were just friends and nothing more. Well, that from his side, because I started to fall in love with him after we grew up. Hephaestion and I, we knew each other since forever. He was a constant presence in my childhood. We did almost everything together. Every stupid thing that kids do. We were always a team. When he started to train for the army I didn't want to stay aside so I joined too. He was a natural talent. Me, on the other side... I was a bit clumsy. He spent hours helping me to reach his level of training. And in the end he succeeded.

"Don't be sad. We'll still be friends no matter what." He put his hand around my shoulder and brought me closer to kiss my forehead.

"Sure, friends..." I mutter and leaned on his shoulder closing my eyes.

Later that day

We entered my house and my parents were already impatient.

"Y/N! Where have you been? He should be here from one minute to another." My mom yelled "Hephaestion, dear, we have cookies in the kitchen. Take some." She said and ran to the living room.

"So she yells at me but she gives you cookies?" I asked and Hephaestion shrugged laughing.

After 15 minutes I've met the first guy. He was so boring. I couldn't even keep up with the conversation. The only thing that saved me was Hephaestion who was standing near the door, making funny faces. The guy didn't see him so it looked as if I was enjoying and laughing at whatever he said. When my mother noticed, he told Hephaestion to leave the room. I get up and told the guy:

Hephaestion -one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now