Chapter 2: Ladies and Gentleman, This is a Robbery

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A few weeks later, the group reaches the train station to cross the border.

"Hello folks, I'm the conductor. We ask that you are nice to anyone on the train. Please start no ruckus. You can keep any valuables and money. And might I say welcome, to East Texas. Now. Pay the tax, and if you can not pay the tax, leave now." No one moved. They put their things down and sorted everything. Leaving lots of food, water, some dishes, and some clothes behind. Everyone boarded the train, paying their tax as they walked in. As everyone boarded, they sat down in the most comfortable chairs they had ever sat in. A father and son sat with each other. The son fell quickly asleep. The father went over to Rev.

"Well we can start a new life now can't we."

"Indeed Mr. uhh"

"Cooper. Johnathan Cooper." The two shook hands.

"Ah, Mr. Cooper. Well then yes, a new life."

"What do you think we will do?"

"Well, these are untamed lands. Full of thieves and bandits. I say we join em'. Now it doesn't have to be now. But if we are going to make money, we will have to rob. We are running low on money and we will barely have any after we find a place to settle down."

"Are you crazy?! We start robbin' and we will have the whole goddamn army on us!"

"Bandanas. We hide our identity."

"Mr.Rev, I'm just, why?!"

"We need money, we do it once, then no more."

"I hope you're right about this. I got a son."

"And he will be safe. I promise."

"Well. When do you reckon we start?"

"With the land we buy, we will be close to three towns. We rob their banks, maybe a train and we will be rich. We start when I say. And you know what? You are gonna be in our first robbery, along with Mandi and maybe Mark."

"Marks a fool Rev. You trust him in a robbery? He barely could hold his keep."

"Yeah, but he can crack a safe real easy. Remember in the museum and there was that safe with that golden rifle? He cracked it open in just a minute. If we want to rob, we need someone that can crack a safe."

"That's true. Ok then. I should check on Joshua. I'll uh, talk to you later." They shook hands and Johnathan went to his son and he fell asleep with him.

A few days later, the group has settled in a hilltop near three towns, and today is the robbery that will change history. "The Lakeview Massacre".

"Johnathan. It's time."

"Ok. Let's do it. Mandi, you ready?"

"Of course. What about you Mark?"

"Yeah Mark, don't be a fool."

"Shut up Johnathan. I'm ready though."

"Ok then. Johnathan, take lead."

"You really want me to?"

"Yeah." Johnathan got a little excited.

"Ok then, bandanas on, saddle up, and let's ride." They got on their horses and rode to Lakeview. They took the backroads and sneaked over to the back of the bank.

"Rev," Johnathan whispered.

"Yeah," Rev whispered back.

"Dynamite, light when I say." Rev shook his head and stuck a small piece of dynamite on the wall.

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