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   Peter woke up to the ending of a terrifying nightmare. Another night in a row, his sleep had been interrupted by his conscience. His breath came in short gasps, as fresh tears began to spring to his eyes. Sitting up, he flung the covers off in an attempt to break free. Slowly, Peter curled into his chest, pulling his legs up into himself as he began to shake. 

   He started to quietly sob, struggling to breath as repeating images of Ned yelling at him echoed through his mind again and again. Peter kept trying to push them away, and out of his head, but it was hard when there was nothing else to think about. The nightmare was never ending, even after he woke up.

   It was around seven in the morning, just getting light out. The whole team had a mission last night, all about trying to invade a HYDRA base. He hadn't done much but watch and occasionally trying to get in on some of the fight. However, no one wanted him to be injured, therefore it was left up to them. Peter knew everyone else was tired, most of the team passing out on the ride back. Hoping no one else was up, Peter gathered himself to get out of bed. His room still dark, he fumbled around for a sweatshirt, making it to the bathroom.

   His face was red cheeked and puffy eyed, eyes still watery. It was obvious he had been crying. He needed rest desperately, via his baggy eyes. Stepping out of his bathroom he looked to the closed door of his room. Taking deep breaths, Peter reassured himself that Jarvis probably just left the lights on. 

   Lazily he made his way to the bedroom door, slowly twisting the handle and opening the door to the hallway. He pulled up his hoodie, so his face was less noticeable, rubbing his eyes to adjust to the light. Peter still squinted at the bright lights and leaned up against his door frame.

   "JARVIS please dim the lights." Not saying anything in response the A.I turned the lights down slowly and Peter made his way down the hallway of his teammate's rooms (except Tony, who lived in the penthouse above). He was quiet near Natasha's room at the end of the hallway. She could hear everything and was up in an instant. That assassin probably slept with a knife and two guns in hand, and he wasn't the mood to find out.

   As he reached the stairs, pausing, he heard from his right, coming from her room. Peter froze, praying for his life. Or praying that it ends. Either one would be acceptable. It felt like an eternity before his senses told him it was safe. Carefully, he continued down the stairs reaching the bottom and letting out a breath of relief. Almost immediately, his spider-senses picked up on another presence in the room. Padding across the room in his bare feet, Peter mumbled a greeting to Sam as he made his way to the fridge.

   "Well good morning to you too kid." He smirked, lifting his coffee cup in a greeting. Usually Sam, Steve and Bucky were up and working out on their army routine. But today, it seemed only Sam had the energy to get up. Peter swung open the fridge, scanning the plentiful items but deciding to skip breakfast. Sam watched him carefully over his coffee, scanning his moves and choices. The man realized many of his antics resembled those of someone who had PTSD.

   Grabbing an apple from the fruit basket at the center counter, Sam tossed it to Peter, "Here, eat something you string bean." Peter caught the apple, turning it in his hand, giving a light smile at the joke.

   "Thanks Sam." He muttered quietly, taking a bite out of the fruit and heading back up to his room. As he climbed the stairs, his senses picked up on the movement of other Avengers. Quietly, he sunk into his room, closing and locking the door behind himself. Sighing, Peter placed the apple onto his desk. He stopped at his dresser, reaching for his suit and then looking up to see himself in the mirror.

   His eyes were tired, looking as if life had left him. His hair was a mess and his posture was even worse. Turning away, Peter ran a hand through his hair as he began to put his suit on. Grabbing his backpack, Peter "JARVIS, if anybody asks I'm doing a patrol of the city. I'll be back in a couple hours." Grabbing his new bag, filled with extra clothes and his phone, Peter walked to the window where it was already open for him.

   "Yes Sir," Jarvis' british accent replied, "Be back by 1pm, as Captain Rogers' has scheduled a meeting." Peter sighed, rolling his eyes. Glancing into his backpack one last time, Peter made sure the picture was still there. It was of Ned, smiling in his new hat and looking bright. Peter smiled back sadly and zipped the backpack up. He was off to visit his best friend's grave, like he did everyday. 

861 words

Gracias! I appreciate it when you comment! 

I love you all, my little angsty family.

- Tony (new name btw, I feel more comfy with this one :)

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