Chapter SiX

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warning- so sad. i cried. help. sorry. ive had writers block. 

     As Peter left the tower, Steve stared at his door. He was so goddamn worried. The kid had never acted like this before. He hadn't seen someone this depressed in awhile. It worried the soldier, he had feelings for the kid. Not those feelings, the feelings where he would murder someone for Peter. He felt like a proud dad whenever the small hero got recognized for his brave acts. 

     He stood still. As if the world had kept going and he just stopped. You know, that's what happens when you die. You stop. And you take that last breath, you're final one. The world may freeze, but only for a second. It'll stop and stare and then move on. Sure, you will be missed, but people will get over it. Or, like Peter, they'll choose to join you. And let's hope he doesn't join Ned, because the world would a minor setback.Actually, even for the hero's. They would stop. They would stand still. Soon enough, the world would be in suspension, and then it fall and never stop descending. 

     There was a time like that for Steve. Back on the train. A hundred years ago or so. When he had thought Bucky had died. That his best friend, had laid for hours in cold snow, suffering and shivering. Only to learn that he was forgotten about. That he was going to die there, alone. Those were the thoughts Steve had when he had to live through those days without his best friend. 

     So, in a way, Steve does know what its like to lose someone you've known for what it seems like an eternity. In that aspect, Steve had someone there for him. Peggy. But what he realized is that Peter doesn't have anybody. Well, he does, but he hasn't reached out. Or more like no one has reached out to him.

     This hit something in Steve, deep under his shield of super solider. His eyes started to water up as he thought more about Bucky's almost death. It pained him to think that he had put his best friend through that. He knows it's not his fault, but it felt like that in the beginning. So this is what Peter must feel like.

     The young hero feels like it is his fault. Because, in a way it was his. But he has to learn. The scary thing is, Peter might be running out of time to learn. Everyday he gets worse, the words in his head get louder. And the voice screaming them is his own. So, yes, this is his fault. But it won't be once those words become quiet as Peter stands still for his last time.

      Hell, this scares Steve. Its completely fucked up. No teenage kid should feel like this. No one should ever feel like this. Immediately, Steve has JARVIS pull up Peter's current status. With a breath of relief, Steve sees that the kid is just surveying the city. He'll be keeping an eye on Peter, a very close one that is. 

     Footsteps approach Steve and an oily hand is laid on his shoulder as Stark comes up behind him. "You know, if you're gonna call a meeting and not attend, then why call it at all?" Tony smirks and pats Steve on the back as the soldier rolls his eyes. 

     "My apologies Stark, I got distracted." Tony scoffs and starts walking back towards the stairs towards the living room. Steve follows him, he only pauses to turn back one more time. His gaze lingers on the door belonging to Peter before he goes down the stairs, ready to tell the team his thoughts. 

622 words

   thanks for reading!


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