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Me: hey sorry i haven't updated in awhile, updates may not be as frequent as they used to be but I'm still alive so yayy? I've gotten more busy but dont worry i haven't forgotten about this story! Anyways ill stop blabbering so y'all can read ahead.

Me: hey sorry i haven't updated in awhile, updates may not be as frequent as they used to be but I'm still alive so yayy? I've gotten more busy but dont worry i haven't forgotten about this story! Anyways ill stop blabbering so y'all can read ahead

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RevDipper: Wha- tf????
Will: u-uh-uhm.... wh-what do i do w-with this?

Wendy: Dated Robbie Mable: I ate pork in front of Waddles, I didnt even know it was pork!!Dipper: Sing Disco girl

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Wendy: Dated Robbie
Mable: I ate pork in front of Waddles, I didnt even know it was pork!!
Dipper: Sing Disco girl.
RevDipper: Cry.
Stan: Not get richer sooner!
RevMable: uh.. fall in love with two people.....?
Lilly: Wait wha-
Soos: nice, i broke the vending machine once and Stan got really mad.
-Somewhere else-
A piece of paper falls into reverse Pacifica's hands, it reads 'Dumbest thing you've ever done?'
"Run away....." She said quietly to herself.
-Back to everyone else-
Wendy: how are we supposed to prank her??
Bill: Make a chocolate cake but really there's mud inside.
Wendy: Did.. did you just come up with that right at the top of your head..?
Bill: sure, but i have been thinkin about it.
Dipper: Okay, lets try baking then.
Gideon: okay, other me?
RevGideon: oh, sorry you all do that without me, i think I'm gonna try helping Candy and Grenda on finding Paci
Pacifica: You mean Reverse me?
RevGideon: yeah, but to me she's just regular Pacifica, for you, you're the reverse version so I'm not going to call her that as it may offend her, or you if i ever called you that.
Pacifica: Okay, geez i was just asking!
RevGideon: I'm going to go now..
>RevMable frowns<
RevMable: I'll go with you then.
RevGideon: um.. okay....
-they leave-
Mable: Lets start baking!
>Pacifica sighs<
Pacifica: Okay....
-after awhile they finish baking and let the cake cool-
Bill: ill call Lilly
Will: this feels kinda mean..
Bill: It'll be alright, plus she's done worse to you, Kill, and i, remember?
Will: yeah, but it still feels kinda mean....
-Bill just pats Will on the head-
Bill: Lilllyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lilly: Yeaaahhh?!?!?!
Bill: C'mere here!!!!!
Lilly: Whhyy?!?!?!
Bill: Cake!!!!!!
Lilly: What flavor?!?!?!?!
Bill: DeFiNiTeLy nOt cHoCoLaTe!!!!!
Lilly: yOu sOuNd SoOoO sArCasTiC!! oKay iM cOmInG *bolts to the 'chocolate' cake*
Lilly: Ahh!!!! Cake!!!!!
-Wendy gives her a slice and Lilly wastes no time to bite in, only for her face to contort into disgust and regret and a hint of suspicion along with anger-
Soos: Run!!!!!!
-they all try to run away while Wendy's just screaming "Da! Nanana! daa nanana!" (reference)-
Lilly: Im gunna kill you all!!!!!!!! *she cashes after them
-With Reverse Pacifica-

-Bill just pats Will on the head-Bill: Lilllyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lilly: Yeaaahhh?!?!?!Bill: C'mere here!!!!!Lilly: Whhyy?!?!?!Bill: Cake!!!!!!Lilly: What flavor?!?!?!?!Bill: DeFiNiTeLy nOt cHoCoLaTe!!!!!Lilly: yOu sOuNd SoOoO sArCasTiC!! oKay iM cOm...

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RevPacifica: th-thanks..... i think i needed that.. Okay, its been awhile since ive gone back.. maybe its time i should go back....
-from the distance "Paaaacccciiiiii!!!!" a familiar voice yelled, RevPacifica decided to head towards the sound of that voice-
RevPacifica: G-gideon....?
>He sees her and rushes towards hugging her<
RevGideon: Oh my god!!!!! Paci i was so worried!!
RevPacifica: hey, sorry..
-RevMable makes eye contact for a brief moment with RevPacifia causing RevPacifica to suddenly get a bit awkward, she shifts away slightly-
Grenda: Yay!!!! Reverse Pacifica!!!!  anyways guys we should probably head back now
Candy: Yeah! we should, others may be waiting
RevPacifica: o-okay, yeah..
-'Lets go home' she thought to herself-
RevMable: thats the end of this part, thanks and uh..
RevPacifica: bye....!

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