9: Yino...

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Mira stood in shock, she never seen anything like her.....so beautiful yet so terrifying. "Mira....jane...." She said almost confused. Mira nodded nervously. The lady broke out into a smile as she brought Mira into a tender hug. This warmth, it was so nostalgic yet so distant that it felt unfamiliar.

'My little Mira, you sure aren't going to get big and strong if you don't eat!'

The tender voice recalled in her head. " Yino..." Mira spoke. "My little Mira, you grew up so much...." The woman spoke slowly almost as if she saw through Mira, yet she looked at Mira's blue watery eyes and smiled slowly. "My Mira, don't cry.....you're fine.... how is Amber," She asked. "Amber....she's great just like her father..." Mira said sadly. "My Mira, her father loves you.....you don't see it but he has protected you from many things in the shadows....he is much like your father, not wanting to admit what he does for someone....." Yino said. "Yino can tell me about my parents" Mira asked. "My little Mira, why should I tell you when I can show you!" Yino said as she took a spill, the light almost blinded Mira, yet she was in shock at the aftermath.

"Snow, come on don't you think it will be fun!" Gabriel begged. "Gabriel, there is still much to be done here..." The blueish white haired lady said. "But you need a break honey!! Doesn't a picnic with the kids sound fun!" The white haired male cheered. Snow smiled and nodded.

"My Mira, they were full of happiness and positivity but....then this happened"

"Honey....We'll still have Punic days right" Gabriel asked, starring at his wife's sick state. "O-of course, h-honey" She stuttered our. "Sir,I'm afraid to tell you that Miss Snow can not leave bed...." Yino said fighting back a tear. Gabriel looked at Yino with pleading eyes. "I can't do anything sir....or else I would have a long time ago" Yino said lips quivering. "Yino leave! Please!" He yelled as he cried over his wife's body. "It should've been me..." Yino whispered. "It should have!" He yelled back. "You're a useless angel!! You couldn't even save her" Gabriel shouted in a fit of tears. "I'm sorry sir...." Yino said holding back every tear. Gabriel looked at her in disgusted. "Take off your shoes..." He murmured. "What?!" She said in surprise. "YOU HEARD ME!!Take off your shoes..." He shouted. Yino slowly stepped out of her blue flats. "Go.... you're service is no longer needed" Gabriel said. "But there's still-""No!! She's already half way gone!! Now go before I blast you out of here" He shouted. "D-d ont t-talk to her l-like that....." The weak voice said. "Honey!!!" Gabriel rejoiced as he held her hand closely. "Y-you're n-not Gabe....y-you almost hurt her.... you're not the p-person I-I l-l-ove" She said her voice giving out. "She's gone sir..." Yino said as the sadness burned her throat, tears flossing her eyes, until she broke. "MISS SNOW!!" She cried as she clung onto the dying body. "Miss snow don't leave me...." Yino cried. Gabriel body was surged with anger,as he punched and kicked the crying Yino. "ITS YOUR FAULT" He shouted.

"My dad was terrible....." Mira said. "He wasn't like this until you're mother died.....he loved her and they fought through so many things losing her was like losing half of his life."Yino said. "That doesn't give him an excuse to hurt someone!!!" Mira argues. "Miss Mira....I did the same....when I lost you..." Yino whispered. "Huh!" "Your father took you away, I searched but I couldn't find you or your siblings. I couldn't complete my promise if you weren't here so I stayed at the house, I lashed out at everyone- no one could stop me but you're here now" Yino explained. "Losing the person you love has affects of you My little Mira, your father suffered until his last days because of his grief for your mother just as I suffered- not being able to move on from my mistakes.....one mistake can change a life" Yino added. Mira's eyes swelled with tears, she understood it...the pain of losing someone...Lissanna
...she's here now but that won't change the years of mourning Mira did.

"My little Mira....no crying... do you know you look exactly like your mother when you smile...so why down you smile!"Yino said giving a big grieving smile.

Mira sat there, she understood know Yino....was like a aunt or a god mother...Mira finally had her family. She wiped her tears away,her lips forming a beautiful smile. "That's it Mira...smile"


Days went on and everyone seemed to be fine. They were still investigating the house, but Mira already had her answers....she had the one clue her parents left behind...Yino.

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