A little spark of friendship

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Shu stopped by his locker to take out his Maths books. Today, they had a test and Shu had already studied the things he needed. He slowly made his way to the class ignoring every eye contact. It's the second day of this place but still the students didn't even talk to him. He sat down just as the teacher came and handed them their tests. Everyone started to work in silence, no one spoke a word.

The silence was only there until they heard their teacher call. "Kazuki are you cheating?" She asked walking to the blonde and taking out two answer papers. Everyone raised their heads to look at the blonde boy who was now red as a tomato.

"Who helped you with this?" The teacher asked with a stern voice.

A smirk appeared on his lips as a cruel plan instantly formed inside his mind."Shu Kurenai helped me"

Shu's eyes widen in pure surprise and astonishment. Not ever in his life he even thought to cheat, much less to help anyone else to help with something like that. "What?" He yelled out.

The teacher looked between them. "You two go to the principal's office."

Shu got up. "But mad-"

His teacher cut him off in the mid sentence. "No excuses. Go. Now "

Shu sighed. Cheating, it's like a foreign word to him. He never cheated, he was always honest in tests. He didn't need to cheat in anything, because he was a hard worker and he always had good grades. Kazuki got up as he walked out of the class. Shu hung his head low making his white bangs cover the most of his face. His eyes were downcast as he got out from the classroom. Once they were outside from the class and out of sight from the rest of the class Kazuki smirked.

"Well,well, Kurenai, how is my plan? You like it? "

Shu looked at him, eyes raging with pure anger. He was trembling with all the emotions swirling inside his mind. Shu grabbed the collars of the taler male as he slammed him against the wall. "Why did you do that? "

Kazuki smiled. "Aww are you angry?" He said pushing him away. "I did it because I can"

Shu didn't wait a minute as he threw a punch at the blonde boy. But Kazuki caught Shu's hand  and twisted it behind his back slamming him against the wall. Shu yelped in pain.

"You can't beat me. I'm better than you in every way" Kazuki said.

Shu bit his bottom lip as he gritted his teeth. He wasn't sure whether it was because of the pain or anger.

"Let's go" Kazuki said. "Remember? to the principal's office" he said releasing Shu's hand. 

Shu sighed as he followed the blonde boy. He thought of his friends in Beigoma. And his parents. His parents what would they think if they heard this. They would believe him. But he was scared. He came to the school yesterday. And today he was caught to cheating which he never even thought about doing. All along the walk his eyes kept fixed to the floor. His bangs covered his eyes so no one can see the tears welling in his eyes. He blinked back tears. "No Shu don't cry you didn't do anything wrong" he talked to himself.

Kazuki knocked twice as he entered the room. He seem too relieved at this position. "Of course" Shu thought. "He really cheated not like Shu"

Both of them went inside. Their teacher was already there. Shu kept his eyes fixed to the floor. But he can feel their eyes on him. He looked at the principal.
"I'm ashamed of you two. Especially you Mr. Kurenai. You have good records from your last school and your principal talked highly of you. But I can't believe you're a cheater"

Shu bit his lower lip harshly to stop tears from falling. He knew telling excuses wouldn't help. Kazuki had a good plan. All he needed now is a miracle.
"And you Kazuki this is the third time you caught on cheating"
Kazuki didn't even cared. He just kept smirking and enjoying the shorter boy's suffering.

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