School Play (Part 2)

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All the boys gathered in an empty clasroom next day. The drama room was already taken by many other groups and their only option was an empty clasroom. As Katana promised yesterday he brought the script. "Ok" Katana said handing everyone a script. "This is the script guys and I poured my heart and soul into it" Katana said dramatically sighing.

"That's why it stinks" Lui commented.

Katana held his heart dramatically. "That hurt"

Shinki snickered then burst out laughing as Shu cautiously went through the script. He sighed. "I can't do this Katana"

Katana looked at Shu. "Come on where's your spirit? Remember your prince would be sad" He said winking.

Kazuki huffed. "Isn't this boring?"

Katana looked at him matter of factly. "Can you tell me how I'm supposed to make a hyped up drama from a very common story?"

"Yes you have a point" Gou said. "And I heard the girls are doing Sleeping Beauty"

"They have a better chance to win rather than us" Shinki said.

Katana shrugged. "Maybe or maybe not"

"What do you mean by maybe not?" One of the boys questioned.

"Forget it" Katana said. "Let's take this desks and chairs away so we can have some space" 

They all cleared the classroom and started their first practice session. Shu looked at the scripts last few pages. Katana wasn't kiddin when he said that they're including a kissing scene. "I can't kiss him in front of the whole school" Shu said.

Shinki smirked. "Come on you two kissed at the Ferris Wheel and the whole world saw it"

"That was because we thought no one would be watching us" Lui said.

Katana sighed. "That's for later now we only have to concentrate on the first part okay first the narrator should come and start"

The narrator was a boy who was always known to talk a lot even in wrong times. He cleared his throat and started to read the script. His expression was rather hilarious he was trying hard not to laugh. Katana sighed. "What's wrong?"

The boy also known as Haruto looked at Katana. "Is it only me or anyone else imagine that it would be hilarious if we compared this to Shu and Lui's love story" Then he looked at the expression of the others who had blank faces. "No? Just me? Okay" He said turning around and start to read the script in a more proper way. 

The practice went swiftly until Shu started to read the script. "No no no" Katana said cutting him off. "You have to be more feminine"

"I'm a male" Shu sternly said.

Shinki snnickered. "Ooooh very straightforward"

Katana plopped himself to the chair. Lui looked at Shu. "Do it like you did various things when we were in our date" 

That took everyone's attention. Shu turned to a living tomato. "What kind of things?" Shinki asked wiggling his brows.

"Fine fine stop it" Shu said taking his script again. Then looked at Katana. "What do you mean by be more feminine by the way?"

Katana thought for a moment. "I don't now either"

Shu pouted looking at the first lines. Shinki sighed as he walked to Shu. "This is my times to show talents" He said.

Lui raised his brow. "You mean?"

Shinki didn't answer as he looked at Shu. "Okay try to make your voice more soft"

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