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(toda palabra será en inglés para practicar ese idioma)

Well, today I have no reason to say that I'm wrong, and that I behave like an idiot when I'm like this

Yes, I'm stupid, and I accept it, but tonight I was dumb with people I shouldn't and with whom I didn't want to

Sometimes I think, I deserve nothing, you know, this being unsafe and not knowing what to do sometimes you pass the bill.

I really appreciate the people I have near, I have very few friends, many acquaintances but very few whom I can really call friend

And then this is her, she's... A lighthouse in my life, illuminates that I'm wrong and highlights what I'm good, and I always thank

I really feel good about her, I can be me, and she can be her with me, That's something you don't get anywhere

I really appreciate all of it, and I miss the fact of feeling this for someone

I really miss her, do not go 2 days and I want it with me again

And if you get to read this, I have only two words for you

I love you tomate.

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