4| Luck

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How can we make amends
when we said all we said
I call and you don't pick up

American Authors, Luck

♡ ────── ♡ ────── ♡

Piper's POV

I walk into the cafeteria and see Valerie already at our table. "I forgot to do a packet in English, and it's due in 20 minutes!" She says.

"Do you need help?" I ask.

"No, thank you though. Sometimes my hand isn't fast enough to write down my thoughts." She says.

I start to eat my lunch when Sebastian walks by. I wave, and he smiles back at me. "Do you remember what you put for this?" Valerie asks, not noticing our interaction.

"I got the answer from this paragraph," I say, pointing at the answer.

A few minutes later, Valerie finishes the packet and says, "Done with this shit."

I laugh, and she starts to finish her lunch. "Hey, do you want to hang out this weekend? We haven't done anything outside of school in weeks." I say.

"Oh ya! I was supposed to ask if you and your siblings wanted to go laser tagging with my brother and me. My mom has a coupon for the arcade, and they expire this weekend." She says.

"I'll ask my siblings if they're free. But I'll for sure be there." I say, feeling excited. This time we'll kick Valerie and Victor's asses! It's not that serious.

"Are you ready to present next week?" Valerie asks.

"Nope. I haven't memorized any of my slides yet." I say, sighing.

"You'll do well. You're really good at flowing through your slides. I've seen so many people typing their whole script on their slides." She says, shaking her head.

The warning bell rings, and Valerie and I separate for class. I walk towards the library and see Aunt Jade shelving. "Need help?" I ask.

"Do you think you could clean the keyboards in the computer room? Lately, I've been seeing crumbs stuck between the keys." She says.

"Ya sure," I say, shrugging.

I grab a container with wipes and start wiping down the keyboards. A few minutes later, Sebastian walks in and says, "There you are! Okay, I have a plan."

"On what...?" I ask, confused.

"I'm going to make a move with the girl." He says, determined.

"Well, good luck," I say, handing him the wipes container. He starts to help me clean the keyboards, and I turn from him to smile.

"So, do you think I should casually mention that we should hang out? Or straight up ask to hang out?" He asks.

"Does she like people who are straight to the point? Cause if she's the type to beat around the bush, she probably wouldn't want you trapping her in a yes or no question." I say, thinking.

He says, "She's blunt sometimes but has her shy moments, I guess?"

"Does she like watching movies?" I ask.

"Probably." He says, shrugging.

"Great! Start with that." I say, wiping down a keyboard twice. Gross. Why is it sticky?

"Like ask her to watch a movie with me?" He asks.

"Start by bringing up a random movie you like. Then focus the conversation on her and ask what movies and shows she likes. If you're lucky, you can find an in to watch a show she likes. Funny enough, my parents watched The Office together before getting together." I say with a chuckle.

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