17| Best Day of My Life

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I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in

American Authors, Best Day of My Life

♡ ────── ♡ ────── ♡

Piper's POV

I meet up with Valerie and see she's emptying out her locker. "Goodbye, stupid shit!" She says, dropping a bunch of papers in the recycling. When she spots me, she happily says, "Hey, P!"

"You seem happy," I say, laughing.

"We're almost done with finals, and summer break starts in two days!" She says, dumping more papers.

"I'm glad we get to leave school early while the other grades leave next week," I say.

"I really just want to jump into my pool right now." She says.

"I have to work," I say, frowning.

"You can always come after your shift." She says.

"Okay!" I say.

"We can also do smores! I was gonna eat them alone, but we can roast them together now!" She says.

The bell rings, and Valerie slams her locker shut. "Last class in this hell hole!" She says excitedly.


Since it's not busy at the cafe, I decide to go on my blog. I wish the teachers would enter the grades faster. How hard is it to grade multiple-choice questions? Not easy if they have hundreds to grade. And all the results should be in tomorrow since it's our last official day as seniors.

Why are you so worried? You already got into an amazing college. What if they rescind my offer? Is that possible?

Dear Mae,

My friend got into the college I wanted to attend and kept rubbing it in my face. (I was waitlisted.) I honestly don't want to be friends anymore if this continues. But is it wrong to cut someone off after five years of friendship?


Dear G,

Honestly, if one of my friends did that, I would drop them. Some people do that on purpose, and others don't even realize they're hurting us. So choose what you think your friend is doing.

Personally, I would never brag about getting in, especially if I knew my friend was waitlisted. You can still be happy for them but also feel disappointed about your results. Your feelings are valid.


I'm trying to make friends at my school, but everyone seems fake. Since I'm new, everyone seems to have their circles already. I don't want to be a loner! Help!


Dear H,

Maybe join some clubs or sports? That's how I have made some of my friends! I know moving to a new school and being the new kid sucks. But I promise it will get better. My goal in all my classes is to make a school friend and start with that connection. Hang in there!

I need guidance, Mae!

I want to dye my hair pink, but my parents think it won't look nice. I want to prove them wrong, but I also don't want my hair to look bad. What should I do?


Dear J,

I would dye the ends first to see if it looks nice. If it doesn't, then you can always cut it! Or buy a wig or use a filter to test the color. It's also hard to get the exact pink you want since everyone's hair is different. I hope it works out!

A few minutes later, customers started coming in, and I got back to work. Only two more hours until the pool and smores!


I ring Valerie's doorbell and wait for someone to open it. I expect to see Valerie but instead, see Victor. He lets me in and says, "She's in the back."

I open the sliding screen door and tiptoe towards Valerie. Since her back is facing me, I run and push her into the pool. She swims back up and flips me off.

"Your lucky I didn't choke on a marshmallow." She says, glaring at me.

We start putting wood in the fire pit, and Valerie lights a fire. She hands me a stick for the marshmallow, and I hover over the fire. When it's light brown, I take the marshmallow and make a sandwich with graham crackers and chocolate.

I see Valerie's marshmallow turn a little black and say, "How can you eat it like that? It's burnt."

"They taste better with the black stuff. Yours is just a plain marshmallow heated up." She says, sandwiching the marshmallow.

"Are you excited for graduation this weekend?" I ask.

"I just want to get my diploma and leave." She says, shrugging.

I laugh and say, "Same."


Thanks for reading! 🙂

The next chapter is the last chapter before the epilogue! 😢

If you've stayed this long, thank you! 🙏

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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