Part I

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[Part I]

Su Bai – this was a name everyone in Great Yue was familiar with.

Not because Su Bai was extraordinarily gifted or talented, but because she was the only living descendant of the legendary Su family.

Ten years ago, when the city of Luoyang was conquered, the Su family which had enjoyed a hundred years of prestige and fame collapsed overnight. The males were killed, buried beyond the walls of Luoyang, while the females hung themselves within the Su family manor.

The only survivor of this bloodshed was the young daughter, Su Bai, who vanished without a trace. For over ten years, the devoted subordinates of the Su family searched high and low for this young girl. Even now, the walls of Luoyang continue to be plastered with her posters. With the entire affair causing a storm throughout the city, today, no one within Great Yue was unfamiliar with the name Su Bai.

Ten years later, in an indifferent voice, this woman who suddenly appeared before me told me her name was Su Bai.

As an ordinary, unremarkable little civilian, the instant I heard her name, I was stunned and choked on my sweet potato…

She looked at the shock written all over my face and laughed soundlessly, before she continued, ‘Back then, I went to Southern Zhao, so I never knew that they were looking for me. Later, when I finally knew, it was too late for me to return.’

She could no longer return.

Because in Southern Zhao, she fell in love with a man.

That man was the person who rescued her twelve-year old self from the ruins of the fallen city of Luoyang, before bringing her to Southern Zhao. He was the Gu Master of Southern Zhao, a man whose existence was as revered upon as a deity’s – Yue Chi.

Perhaps anyone who heard his name would imagine that such a name could only belong to an exceedingly callous, selfish and demonic man.

But to Su Bai, he was not such a person.

He taught her the art of mastering the gu, a poison carried by venomous insects.

He taught her how to be strong.

When she was ill, he brewed medicine for her.

When she cried, he wiped away her tears.

Once, he had said to the twelve-year old Su Bai, ‘Su Bai, I will give you a home.’

And so Su Bai believed with all her heart that he would give her a home. And then she followed him with devotion, and in the days that passed, as the weeks melded into months and the months turned into years, she fell in love with him.

‘I have always looked up to him.’ Su Bai stared unseeingly at the bonfire as she continued, ‘Everyday, without fail, I studied all there was to know about the different venomous insects, and memorised all the techniques in preparing a gu poison. When others retired for the night, I continued to read my books by the lamplight; when others woke up the next morning, I had long climbed the mountains in search of the venomous insects.’

She even asked the others about the likes and dislikes of Yue Chi, carefully observing his habits.

She knew that he disliked it when others prevaricated and said ‘because… that’s why I…’, so she never explained nor excused herself each time she made a mistake.

She knew that he did not like excessive noise, so she never wore any jewelry nor adorned herself with ornaments.

She knew that he did not like dust and dirt in his room, so each time before she visited him, she would first bathe and change her clothes, before stepping barefoot into his palace.

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