Chapter 17

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*play the video first, then read while listen to his song!!"

2 years later..

The sun is bright, I guess.. the weather going to be great today!

Haerin came out from her parents house and went to her car. She start the car and drive to her family company building.

"Good morning President Lee." The staff greet.

"Good morning" Haerin replied. She went straight to her office along with her assistant .

"Tell me wether my schedule is pack or not." Haerin asked her assistant. "You free time only during night. You can relax that time. Do whatever you want." Her assistant replied. "Yah! Ong SeongWoo! I take you as my assistant not to play around with me. I want to have those cool vibe president!!! Why you ruin it? Can't you just answered it like ehem.." she changed her voice to a little manly and continue "You have no free time today President Lee" changed back to her normal voice. "Can't you?! Haish.. seriously."

"In your dream!"


"Hhahahahahaha fine.. today our President Lee schedule is full. You have lunch meeting with President Baek about the mall we are going to build and you have dinner meeting with XXX" Seongwoo tell her in formal language.

"That's all?"

"Also, meeting with the staff about our new launching product and meeting with..."

"With who?"

"...meeting with President of LZH Company." He hesitated to tell her.

"Who is the President? Him or his father?" Haerin asked her assistant. "Him." Her assistant replied. "What time our meeting is?" Haerin asked her assistant.

"6:00 p.m."

"Okay. You going to be there right?" You asked him.

"What's the function of assistant if I'm not there...-.-"

"I need you as my assistant and as my friend."

"Double up my pay. It's hard to change two personalities at one time."

"You!! Hmph! After meeting with him did I have another meeting?"

"The dinner meeting with XXX and then you free to go!"

"Go where?

"Go to hell!"

Haerin looked at him furiously. "YAH!!" He just laugh and walk out the office.

Emm.. we going to meet again.

6:00 p.m.

"President Lee, the clients are in the meeting room. Do you want me to escort you to the meeting room?" Assistant Ong asked.

"Obviously!" She replied.

"Let's go then, Mademoiselle."

"Stop playin around!" You slaped his back. "It's hurt Lee Hae Rin...!" He said in low voiced.

Assistant Ong opened the door and President Lee walk in. She can see Jihoon sit on the chair and looked page by page the proposal book. His assistant stand up and greet Haerin.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Na Jaemin. I'm President Park assistant. Nice to meet you, President Lee." He smile to you.

"Ah.. sorry. I'm just too focus checking my proposal. Hello, my name is Park Jihoon."

"Hi and my name is Lee HaeRin"

Both of them shake hands.

Seongwoo whispered to you. "Yah!! What with that informal way talk!!! I know you both knew each other but this is wrong!" He slowly pinch you.


"Ah...-" You looked at him.

"I'm sorry President Park. I don't know what's wrong with my President today. Sorry if our greet is rude." Assistant Lee explain.

"No, it's okay" He smile.

The meeting go on like it should be. But, only you not like you always be. You always took a glances at him. You couldn't focus on your meeting today.

"I hope the proposal that my company provide today suit your taste." President Park said.

"Yes. It's good. I will tell you the result when later." Haerin said.

"Then, we leave first." He smile to you. "It's such a pleasure to meet you President Lee". He walk out the meeting room with his assistant.

"Haerin.., I mean President Lee, it's already 7:30p.m. We should go to our dinner meeting with XXX The car is ready."

Your eyes already locked to at the door. You couldn't believe that you and Jihoon now are totally strangers.

You are inside the car, on the way to the meeting dinner.

"Why.. I felt like I don't know who that person in meeting room." Seongwoo suddenly talk.

"I know why you mean." Haerin replied.

"Haerin, tell what's going on 2 years ago." Seongwoo asked him.

"Are we there yet Mr Kim?" She asked the driver. "I'm sorry President Lee, we might getting there a bit late because of the traffic" the driver answered to her question. "Seongwoo, tell them we are a bit late." Haerin demand.

"Done. Now tell me everything."

"We broke up 2 years ago. That's all." You said it while playing the phone.

"I can not help you if you not helping me first."

"Did I said I need your help?" You keep looking at your phone.

"Haerin! Stop looking at your phone and start talking seriously!" He take your phone and looking at it.

"He is happy now! So I need no help!" You take your phone back and close your phone. You lean your head at the window and pretend to sleep.

"That... is that true? The article in your phone?" Seongwoo asked in a shock face.

"You have your own phone. Look at it by yourself. I want to sleep."

Seongwoo take out his phone and search the article. He looked very surprised by it.

"He.. he is engaged tonight, with President Cho daughter, Cho Mi Yeon." Seongwoo looked at you.

"Shut up!"

"Haerin, tell me what happened!"

To be continue....

Sorry for updating so late!!! I've been busier than ever! 2019 is a really busy year for me. I'm busy with getting into a university this year.

Seongwoo: author nim.. what is sneak peak?
Author: no sneak peak. Just swipe up.

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