Chapter 34

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A few days later, things got really difficult for y/n. It all started one day when she received a memo under her desk.

Huh? What is this???

She took it out and read it.


Hey pretty~
you look good today ;)




Minyoung was shocked to hear her best friend there.

"Yah! Are you nuts?! I almost had a heart attack!"

Minyoung looked at y/n as she didn't respond to her.

"What is it?"

"Minyoung, look at this."


Minyoung read the memo and frowned.

"JK? JK as in Jungkook?!"

"That's what I had in mind."

"What is wrong with that guy??? He just dumped you then casually gave you this?!"

"I thought so too.... But. I don't think it's him. It's not even possible. I bet this is just a prank from the kids to see me stupidly hoping for us to get back."

"Hmm... Yeah. You're right."

"Well, I'll just throw this first then."

Y/n went to the back of the class to throw the memo way into the basket.

"Hah. What a stupid prank."


Next day...........


When I saw you this
morning, I thought you
have something
in your eye. When I looked
closely, I realised it was
just a SPARKLE. ;)



"Ehhhh?????!! Again???"

But as days went by, she kept on receiving the memo.......

It's not even summer,
but I'm sweating every time
you're in the same room as I am.
Are you always this HOT? ;)


Are you a florist?
Cause ever
since I met you,
my life has been Rosey ;)


I was wondering if you had
an extra heart? Mine seems
to have been STOLEN~


I've realised that Maths
wasn't that bad. I've
actually learn something.

Four plus four
equals eight,
but you plus me
equals FATE ;)


Oh. My. Freaking. GOSH!!!!!!!!


Y/n walked quickly towards her best friend while gripping the memo tightly in her right hand.

"What what?"

"This is the sixth time I received the memo!"

"Hah? Gosh. This has to be stop. What should we do? What I had in mind is that we should find the person behind this and ask him or her to stop."

"Yeah. It's a good idea."

"I thought so too. But, how could we possibly know about the sender?"

Both of them gave it a thought for a while until y/n came out with a solution.

"I know! We should ask our class president as he usually the earliest person to arrive in class."

"Yeah, good thinking though. Let's go ask him away."

Both of them went to see the class president a.k.a David who happened to read at that moment.

"WHATT?!!! Tell me you're joking or you're just have problems with your eyesight."

"Da heck? No shit Sherlock! Obviously I have bad eyesight which is why I have these GLASSES on. And do I look like I'm the mood for making jokes right now? You guys just literally disturbed my reading! Now go. Shoo~"


Jungkook walked to his locker happily while whistling casually. However, as he was about to touch his locker, a familiar voice shouted for his name.


He didn't need to look at her direction to know that she's on the 'Kill Bill' mode for him. He had been expecting it.

He smirked then turned to his side to face her.

"Oh? Y/n? I was just thinking about you. Didn't expect that you're actually here. Seems like I must think more about you so that you'll appear more..."


People around them was shocked to witness the incident.

"Omygosh. Did you see that?!"

"Yeah, who does she thinks she is to slap our Jungkook."

"Jungkook was right to dump her."

Y/n couldn't care less about the girls that talked bad about her. All she could think was an explanation from the douchbag in front of her.

"This. Could you please explain what are these?"

Y/n held up all the memo she received with her right hand (not include the one that she had thrown away.)

Jungkook looked at what was in her hand and grinned.

"Hmm.. Seems like you did received them. Well, it took almost a week for you to respond to me."

"Jungkook. I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but please stop. I won't fall for it this time."

"You don't have to fall for my game. You just have to fall for me."

"Jungkook you-you bastard!!"

Y/n was about to slap him again but Jungkook was fast enough to catch her hand before it could land on his face.

"Hmmm.. Are my eyes deceiving me or are you blushing right now?"

"W-what? Yah let go of my hand!"


"huh? Well, sweetheart, as much as I love chatting with you, but I have to go back to class now. See you later~"

As he was still had y/n's wrist in his hand, he then held it gently and gave a soft kiss on it like a dreamy prince.

He smiled sweetly at her and started to walk to his class leaving y/n who just stood there, dumbfounded.

Y-you jerk!!!!



A/N - I'm sorry for the slow update guys. On the other hand, I hope you enjoy the chapter🙆🙆💞💞❤❤

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