Chapter 36

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At home.......

"Argh!!! I can't take it anymore!!!"

Y/n went home flustered after Jungkook got her good.

"Why is he doing that??? Is he going to just dump me again if I fall for him? And why did I even blushed?? Gosh I feel so stupid!!"

"Sweetheart? Are you alright?"

"Mum? Uh... Yea yea..."

"Well, come sit with me and your dad here."

Y/n went to sit with her parents in the living room.
Y/n's mother caressed her daughter face.

"Awww is this about Jungkook again?"

Upon hearing his wife, y/n's father suddenly on raged.

"Huh? Tell me what did that brat do again to my precious daughter?? Don't worry honey, I'll kill him for you if that's what you want!"

"Ah? Dad, no. Don't worry. He's just- Well, you know what? Enough about him. Now tell me. You two seem to call me here for something else. What is it??"

Her parents glanced at each other before looked back at her. Y/n looked at her mother looking curious.

"Well, sweetheart, actually your father and I didn't want to tell you yet but somehow, both of us think it's better to tell you early so that you could get ready. You see, your father's friend runs a business in America. The business goes well and... He wants your father to be his partner."

Y/n was confused.

"What? Hey that's great! It's okay dad, you could go. Mum and I could stay here. You can come visit us during your break times."

However, y/n's mother just gave that awkward glance to her father like there was something else.

"Okay, what is it mum?"

"Err... Haha you see honey, I was planning to run a coffee shop with your aunt Carla there. You remember your aunt Carla, right?"

Y/n seemed to know where this conversation was heading to.

"Hmmm... I get it. You two would like me to stay with Minyoung, right? You two were worried so that I won't be lonely? Haha.. Hey, mum. Dad. Don't worry. I understand. It's a big deal for you two to go to America. It's alright. I'll be fine."

Right. This is what a daughter should do. Be independent..

"What? No y/n. What we want to say is that you'll be coming with us too."


"Huh? Wait wait wait.... Are you saying that we're moving to America?!! But mum.. This is too sudden."

"Honey, that's why your mum said it now. We are moving to America NEXT MONTH. See? It's not too abrupt. You can still spend time with your friends and tell them."


On the phone📞 ...........

Y/n - I'm sorry Minyoung. I can't disagree with their decision.

Minyoung - Hey, it's okay. I totally understand. Don't worry. We could FaceTime each other whenever I miss you............
Hey. Somehow, I think it's a good way for you to get away from Jungkook. Don't you think? To be honest, I was worried when he started to disturb you. I was afraid he's going to break your heart again because maybe he doesn't satisfy until he sees you crying. So, why don't you move to America so that you won't have to face him again?

Y/n - Huh........ You think so?

Minyoung - Yeah. Hey. Don't think about that heartbreaker. Who knows? You'll find a hottie there who truly loves you.

Y/n - Tch, you really know how to make me feel better don't you?

Minyoung - Hahaha of course!!!

Y/n - Hey, you still remember the prom?

Minyoung - Oh heck yeah! What about it?

Y/n - Hmmm... You know... I kinda have nothing to wear except my last prom's dress. Soooo....-

Minyoung - Y/n!!!!!!!

Y/n - Omygosh Minyoung! Don't shout!

Minyoung - Y/n are you serious right now? You know what this means????

Y/n - What?

Minyoung - Shopping!!!!!

Y/n smiled as she heard her best friend laughed.

Y/n - Okay, okay. Calm down. Soo....

Minyoung - It's set. Next Saturday, 2 p.m. Sharp. I'll pick you up at your house.

Y/n - Haha. Sure.

Y/n hung up after she said goodbye to Minyoung. She went to lay down for a bit on her bed after stood up for too long as she was talking on the phone with Minyoung.

"Huffff... Find a hottie ay? That sounds not bad tho. Maybe I should give it a try?"

But Jungkook.....


"Why in the world am I thinking about Jungkook all of the sudden now?! How ridiculous!!"


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